Thursday, October 29, 2015


SIX MILLION JEWS PROPAGANDA FROM BEFORE WW2! I chanced across an article documenting how the Zionists had been using the theme of "Six Million Jews" long before World War 2. This article was hosted on scribd and no sooner did I link to that article from than it was pulled from the scribd server.
The reason for the panic reaction is obvious. As doubts continue to surface regarding the claim of Six Million Jews intentionally exterminated by Germany in the 1940s, evidence that the Six Million "brand" has been used prior to that time undermines its credibility even further.
So where did the Six Million come from, if not in actual fact from the crimes of the Nazis? It actually originates in a prophecy from the Talmud, which states that after Six Million Jews are sacrificed, Israel will be restored to the survivors.
In WW2, the nations of the world had sacrificed much blood and treasure on the principle that one nation did not have the right to simply march into another nation and take it over for their own use. Yet, that is exactly what the founders of Israel planned to do to Palestine! So they needed a piece of propaganda powerful enough to convince the world that what Germany had not been allowed to do to Poland and France, Israel had to be allowed to do to Palestine.
So the German slave labor camps were re-branded as death camps. Delousing with insecticide was re-branded as gassing. And the thousands of deaths of all races (including Germans) from the typhus epidemics were re-branded as a deliberate campaign of genocide targeting only the Jews! The number of Six Million was used to convince the world's Jewish population that the time had come to support the creation of the state of Israel.
The world fell for the lie, and the same nations which had united to stop Germany from stealing Europe stood back and did nothing while Israel stole Palestine.
Netanyahu's lie that the Holocaust was started by the Palestinians (who don't exist and you are a filthy Jew-hating anti-Semite who wants Hitler to come back and gas Jewish babies in the ovens if you say they do) has made the questioning of orthodox history socially acceptable (except for the people hammering my server today) and to nobody's surprise, articles and videos are pouring onto the internet pointing out the obvious flaws in the official story of WW2. Now that Americans are well aware that the US Government tells them some huge whoppers, such as Saddam's nuclear weapons, Assad's gas and so forth, they are far more receptive to the idea that most if not all that they have been shown by TV and movies or taught in the state-controlled schools is total fiction.
And one more interesting tidbit.
Remembver that newspaper from 1933 with the banner headline "Judea declares war on Germany", announcing the global boycott on Germany for rejecting the private central bank imposed on them at the end of WW1?

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