Monday, December 26, 2016

The Reptilian Replication Process as Described by Former “Illumined One


Reptilians Replicate by Hijacking Other Life Forms:

Carolyn Hamlet is a Satanic Ritual Abuse survivor, who has done many audio interviews about her experiences in the supernatural realm. She has a blog at:
In the below excerpted material Carolyn shares her knowledge about what she was told by her “alter personality” named Andrew, who was specifically designed and created to work with and interact with the Reptilians as well as the “Mob”. An alter personality was created in her through specific trauma and mind control programming by dissociation, which is well known and common knowledge of those who have been in ritual abuse and MK Ultra.
I chose to excerpt key points in her testimony where she discusses types of reptilians and specifically the replication process that enables them to host a human body but also reproduce themselves in hybrid bloodlines. I also include some of my own knowledge gained from the work of Dr. Corrado Malanga on the alien parasite life cycle. Carolyn’s alter personality was a split off part of her own consciousness and had the unique ability to shapeshift into a male form quite distinct from her front alter core personality. Carolyn’s escape from her Illuminati Cult involvement she ascribes to being a born again Christian.
The excerpted material was taken from:
“…When Andrew was “out” as the “front alter” or “front personality”, he took things a step farther.  Andrew had the ability to shape shift and would often change our body to look like himself, a 6’ 2”, well-built Italian looking young man in his early 20’s.  Few people knew what he was.  Andrew was such a strong personality that those who knew what he was, would actually let that slip their mind. “
EL: Carolyn also mentions as an aside of being in the “Merovingian Bloodline” and this being a possible reason for the interest of Grays and Reptilians in her life:
“If I am from the Merovingian bloodline as I suspect because of certain family surnames and family crests, this could account for Andrew knowing how to deal with Reptilians and maybe why they dealt with him. Perhaps that part of me was funneled into Andrew. This also could account for the Grey’s interest in me. “
EL: According to Carolyn the Reptilians were originally created by the Nephilim, engineered as a type of “supersoldier” that would do battle for them in physical and other dimensional realms. The problem is that the Reptilians apparently turned on their creators and went off on their own, doing what they do best, fighting, conquering, exploiting, controlling and killing, consuming life force etc. Carolyn says there are three main factions of reptilians, although I personally have heard of more than that, with varying qualities, some more fierce and malevolent than others.
EL: She describes reptilians in her testimony, ways they behave etc. and the fact that they “stink”:
“Reptilians have the ability to grow back a body part.
Everything is expendable to a Reptilian.
If a Reptilian is killed that he can be completely replicated along with his original consciousness. In that sense, they never die.
Reptilians stink as in smells putrid. They can contain their smell to a degree, but that takes energy because it is a natural characteristic of them to put out that putrid stink.  The smell is enough to bring terrifying fear to those who have witnessed the grotesqueness of their evil acts. The memory of the smell attaches itself to the memory and seems more powerful than a memory itself. So when a person familiar with their smell, smells them approaching, a person if not in control of themselves can be overwhelmed by a type of terror that borders on insanity and dying of terror. “
EL: Another thing I may add is that reptilians have been described by some of my own clients as having a “pissy, dank, almost moldy odor”. They also can leave a “spray” on their victims whom they sexually assault, which on women, can have the effect of “phermones” on the male gender and is very noticeable from the woman’s experience but not always conscious from the male perspective in terms of the “odor”. I have had several reports of this, and I think this is actually different than the overall odor of their presence but something they do, to territorialize their victims after sexually assaulting them. Much like how a male cat will urinate on things to “territorialize” their ownership.
Carolyn adds more on Reptilian qualities:
“Reptilians think humans stink.
They love to eat human babies and will even steal babies that are to be used in Satanic sacrifices.
Satan sees Reptilians a “useful idiots”.
Some Reptilians live in underground caverns here on earth.
They grow their own human children food supply.
They can be inter-dimensional. Sometimes you can smell them like a heavy presence, but not see them. They don’t always want you to see them. Sometimes they like their victims to see them because they like the taste of adrenaline in the blood.
They have claws on their fingers. They have a type of scale. 
The Reptilians Andrew has dealt with wear armor. They don’t need to wear armor, they just like to wear it.  Maybe they think it makes them look more fearsome. Andrew said that he thinks Reptilians picked up the wearing of armor from humans.”
EL: I also have had client reports over the years, some MK Ultra supersoldiers such as Andy Pero, who witnessed a couple of babies being eaten alive in an underground base. Other people such as Peggy Kane, a reverse speech researcher stated several years ago in 2006, that the life force and soul itself is consumed by these evil creatures.

*In reverse speech analysis where “deep subconscious truth” comes out in people’s reverse speech recordings, and through EVP, it was found consistently that Reptilians in particular have created the matrix prison planet system on this Earth to manipulate religions and inhabit the lower astral realms, feeding on life source, souls and  recycling souls who are “trapped here” in the Net that they have artificially engineered. Supposedly the Reptilians originate from Orion. This Net however, is due to be dissolved with the arrival of Planet X Peggy says. And, according to researcher Kameran Faily, a whistleblower that Kerry Cassidy has interviewed on Project Camelot several times (See:
has essentially said the same thing: When Planet X enters our solar system and gets closer and closer, our own “net of control” and inter dimensional lower astral control system will eventually collapse, creating mayhem from hordes of lower inter dimensional entities, demons, reptilian etc until they are eventually forced out. Only after this transitory phase will Earth’s “net” and artificial matrix grid be cleared out.
When Peggy prayed to Jesus and other astral souls  (in her EVP findings and reversals) prayed to Jesus to help free them in their lower astral entrapments, no Jesus came. Instead Peggy reported that Pleidians helped free many who were trapped by the reptilians in lower astral realms. And whatever the Jesus people were praying to was a false belief system engineered by the Reptilians.
EL: A few private client reports of mine told me that they were shown in underground installations, how small young “Ayran children” were being grown up and stored in cages just for the purpose of feeding certain reptilians.
Reptilians are very psychic and can detect someone’s presence or even their intention. Reptilians are extremely reactive, volatile and dangerous as Carolyn/Andrew testifies. I  spoke to a few psychic abductees many years ago who were asked to remote view reptilians and their bases, after which they were severely psychically attacked because their remote viewing presence was detected. If someone wants to remote view them they must use very good shielding techniques and protection. Astral tagging is very commonplace and reptilians are masters not only in the astral but also with kundalini sexual energy manipulations. They can create “love bite connections” and activate kundalini energy in someone or both partners and then feed off that energy. It’s so common I don’t need to write about it in this post.
One of the more revelatory aspects of Carolyn’s discussion on Reptilians was the connection between a higher level powerful dark being, an Arcturian called Rommel. (It is unknown whether this particular cult group and their “dark lords” are mimicking the name of Arcturians or if indeed these Arcturians are essentially playing on the dark side.) This powerful being had to be brought to our 3D reality through a “portal” created via twin flame union sexual ritual.( I will comment on this in a later post)
“It took the energy of a combined twin flame union of two humans, coupled with what Satan’s spiritual hierarchy calls “the 5th fire initiation” to open up the portal where many of Satan’s highest and most powerful were waiting to be able to gain entrance into our 3rd dimensional earth.
They needed humans to open up that portal because Satan does not have the spiritual authority to open that portal. 
Quick explanation: Although Satan and his fallen are powerful, they do not have the “natural born” spiritual authority that humans were created with. It’s just a fact. The human spirit is different than all other created creatures. The human spirit has what I call “the God code”. We have an essence of God the creator Himself as His children.”
EL: This is the real deal, and I believe many “milabs” and even “experiencers of alien encounters” who have had astral visitations are experiencing these unions and are directed by their “milab handlers” and/or ET guides in the astral to participate without full consent and awareness in these kinds of activities. The portal opening seems to occur spontaneously in some cases— as can immediate “bilocation” of the unionized energy bodies of the twin flame couple to another dimensional reality. I have had at least one report of this. It can also happen in the physical, where a portal opens up or is created via a tantric type of soul mate union and ritual. Often times when a portal or other dimensional reality opens up through the higher energies and consciousness of the couple, it’s spontaneous, and not directed by a ritual. And is not EVIL per se. It’s just part of the side effect of the energies created through these kinds of tantric unions.
There is also the lack of clarity and definitions of what a real soul mate and twin flame is. For the most part, those people thinking they have a twin flame and are experiencing classic Love Bite/Dark Cupid symptoms, is not a real twin flame, but a manipulated soul connected relationship usually in the astral. For more information and clarity on types of unions and twin flames, see Lisa Rene’s glossary definition of Hieros Gamos unions:
One of the difficult aspects of researching this area of “twin flames, soul mates” and the expansions of consciousness that can take place with such unions, and it’s potential alchemical transformation, is how many people perceive this in a black or white fashion. One of the major points I want to bring up is the fact that the dark agenda of the False gods will mimic, co-opt and pervert the “real deal” of spiritual truths to carry out their program of control, exploitation, domination, perversion etc. So what happens in this field of research is the tendency to view things in a polarized fashion of either good or evil and then throwing the baby out with the bathwater. This kind of reactivity and mental programmed “in the box” thinking and believing prevents us from recognizing, realizing and remembering our own innate divinity and abilities to be accessed for our own benefit of goodness and sovereignty from the false gods mind control programs.
I view extreme religiosity as a mind control program specifically designed to be a “containment” of damage control from the ones who designed these systems of control. For example, I have known for years that the Illuminati Bloodline rulers have a saying about what happens to their “runaways”: Out of the frying pan and into the fire.
This does not mean that all “runaways” and those who have awakened to their true memories, experiences etc. will fall into this situation. But it is a common thing that happens, and you only really know after you do a full recovery, integration and spiritual clearing and healing. I believe many healing modalities can be helpful and the important thing is for the one in recovery to emotionally clear out “triggered reactivity”, release false limiting programs and interdimensionals in their personal energy field. It is also wise to do an ancestral clearing as well. Healthy relating, living, virtue, goodness and integrity goes a long way in terms of spiritual protection.
I have been personally assisted in my own “harrowing spiritual warfare battles” by Christian friends who have passed over, the name of Jesus Christ and also pure hearted Buddhist teachers, shamans and healers. Even though I know that there is power in the name and beingness of who we call Jesus Christ (even though that wasn’t his real name for those who remembered him) it doesn’t mean the that this is the only mode of belief or protection. I’ve found many helpful people, healing modalities and spiritual practices to be good in helping me awaken and protect myself in these kinds of situations.
I also know how many healers, teachers, spiritual gurus (including alleged Christians) who are corrupted and led by deceptive inter dimensional entities, or are “hosted” by reptilians and so it takes a perception that goes beyond a religious belief system or healing modality. Look at integrity, love, wisdom, patience, clarity, generosity, non judgmental compassion, and discernment as the virtues and not necessarily a “religious stamp” of approval. Good people who do want to learn and know the truth tend to grow and can change and adjust their perceptions based on the wisdom of experience that goes beyond black and white thinking and limited individualized ego consciousness.
Reptilian Replication Process as described by Carolyn:
How do Reptilians reproduce or replicate?
“They hijack other life forms. They prefer to use humans.
They use a method called “twinning” which they learned from the Nephilim. Twinning is kind of like cloning. They create a type of clone from a piece of the original Reptilian, but upon birth, it begins to gather to itself it’s own experiences.
Life is in the blood. Blood cells are like a slice of themselves and are the type of cells used for twinning.
Their blood cells contain the blue print of everything they are, including their genetic memory, life force, intellect etc. This can be switched on for full memory or partial. Full memory would be a replica of the complete memory of the original. They don’t like to have a complete twin made because there is an identity competition. One would kill the other.
Reptilians are very competitive. A clone would kill the original because the clone would want to BE the original.
Reptilian Replication: The 11 Point Process
1.) Done by a process called twinning.
2.) Twinning has to do with the blood.
3.) Their life is in their blood.
4.) Their blood cell contain the blueprints for everything they are including intellect, spirit and memories, a type of genetic memories. These memories can be switched on if necessary. This is not desirable because the twin may try to kill the original.
5.) A single blood cell which has connection to the bone marrow is separated from their body.
6.) They use some type of energy maybe electricity that activates the part of the cell that is the life force. The life force is connected to every thing that is in the cell.
7.) This area of the cell that is the life force begins to direct the cell to form another entity. The life force is connected to everything in that cell. This process involves magnetic qualities. It activates everything to begin working. This life force contains spirit, memories, and intellect. All characteristics to be expressed are contained in the cell.
8.) This cell must be deposited into another life form as the preferred method of replication. The preferred targets for hijacking are humans. Although they find humans detestable, it is a necessary element of the process. The cell itself at this point may be in another dimension or any where else.
9.) The cell is in some way joined to a human egg. The Reptilian cell is a viable thing. At this point things can go in different directions.
a. The Reptilian cell is joined to human egg fertilized by human sperm in the womb.
b. The Reptilian cell is joined to human egg fertilized by human sperm in a laboratory.
c. Less desirable, the Reptilian cell is joined to an unfertilized human egg.
They are using science. They learned this through the Nephilim.
10.) The Reptilian cell is able to combine into the life form to the extent that it has the ability to project the physical characteristics of the human while remaining in charge. They can not kill the human spirit, but they subdue and subjugate it.
11.) They rule the host from this point forward.
“At times they impose their form on the host body such as at rituals where they eat human sacrifices. They prefer the Reptilian form over the human form.
Because a Reptilian can be replicated, memory and all through one blood cell, if a Reptilian is killed, it can be completely replicated along with it’s original consciousness. In that sense, they never die. It works like the above explanation, but the part of the cell that contains the full conscious memory is not shut off.
Replication is being done in laboratories across the US.
Reptilian people working in labs are the ones motivated to make the replicas.
Another manner the Reptilians reproduce:
When 2 infected humans procreate, Reptilians consider that offspring to be theirs and of Reptilian bloodline.
Sometimes a person’s exercise of will can prevent the Reptilian part from fully expressing itself or taking over.
People with Reptilian DNA in them are unconsciously attracted to those who also have such such DNA. It is like being attracted to a scent on an unconscious level.”
EL: In Dr. Corrado Malanga’s research an article entitled: The Global Picture of Alien Interferences( ) describes the stages of alien interference, one of which is the alien “parasitization” of the human host “abductee” which takes place within the first 6 days of life. Malanga implies that this process is a type of abduction that occurs within the first 6 days of birth, where the alien parasite consciousness or what he called, Active Alien Memory is deposited within the brain, mind and spirit component of the abductee. This AAM can contain all the memories of the alien parasite (which could be an alien Grey, Mantis, Reptilian,(Saurian), or other type of alien/parasite consciousness). This means that the memories of each “host” of this alien parasite would be within the persons mind, and this alone would cause one to question some past life memories, since they may not be the memories of that original human Soul at all.
Some forms of alien parasites such as the LUX being and the “other universe” bodiless types can parasite the baby before birth.
Malanga’s Liberation Techniques such as SIMBAD, FMS and the Updated Triad Color Test are designed to free the abductee from the alien parasite interferences and reconnect the triad components of consciousness which had become separated into a non coherent energy pattern. This happens due to trauma, dissociation, and the alien parasite heavily influencing the thoughts and behaviors of the individual. Once these interferences are removed, neutralized and consciousness components re-integrated, healed etc. the AAM can be “neutralized” so it will not act out the “alien will” of the parasite. But the AAM apparently still remains, like a deactivated program on ones hard drive.
EL: A note on the reptilian red blood cell being from the bone marrow:
We do know that the red blood cells when in early stages of growth in the bone marrow still contain nuclei.(hence DNA) Stem cell therapies are effective for creating and reproducing and re growing almost any desired cell type if you can retrieve embryonic stem cells from the bone marrow. (
Why is Blood so important to the aliens and other interfering interdimensionals?
I know two people with documented medical histories where their blood type changed from one type to another such as from A to O and vice versa. In the book “Alien Conspiracy” by Chris B. Evans (Alarm Clock Publishing 2003, pages 187-189), the female abductee Andrea Roberts, had her blood type change numerous times from A negative to O negative. Her own sibling also had her Rh factor change from negative to positive numerous times. This is something I have privately asked several abductees, who initially had an Rh negative blood type only to be found Rh positive later. Or it changes from negative to positive to negative back again. In the case of White Wolf Von Atzingen, he stated privately that his blood type changed from A to O was achieved from stem cell therapy done from secret government medical treatments. White Wolf Von Atzingen is a survivor of an elite MK Ultra Assasin program. His interview with me can be found on my web site at:
There is alot of controversy over the origin of the RH negative blood type and especially O negatives, who are considered Universal Donors. Some researchers such as Lisa Rene on her Energetic Synthesis website, theorized that Rh negative blood is sourced from the Stars and has less karma. These blood types are targeted by the Reptilians to hijack these people who tend to have a higher spiritual awareness factor. (See:
About Blood Covenants and what these do to a persons spiritual sovereignty:
Lisa Rene excerpt: “ When a human being enters into a Blood Covenant through religious or other spiritual forms of indoctrination, this seals the person’s Aura with a sigil or Soul binding that states a “claim” onto that individual. The persons free will is hijacked as the human has been tricked to believe that the Annunaki extraterrestrials impersonating the One creator is actually a God, when he is acting as an intermediary to take claim and ownership over human beings that were born with the inherent divinity of the Inner Holy Spirit and Inner Christos. The False Gods both covet and hate the Inner Holy Spirit because it is the Mother aspect of God, of which they detest, and because they were not given the divine design of sovereignty that humans beings were given in their free will right to choose.”
“In addition to blood covenants made to control the bloodlines, the Reptilians promote Rh Negative Blood as a result from their hybridized DNA. This narrative is untrue. However, it is because they seek to destroy all Oraphim/Christ hybrids and their DNA potential from spreading, growing or changing the Consciousness structure in humanity, which inherently will change the entire DNA of the earth population. They want to kill off the Rh Negative hybrids through genetic modification or control them directly through militarized operations, keeping them misinformed and sick through the various methods already mentioned. They have attempted to compromise their DNA in various ways, such as through tricking humans to make Blood Covenants with False Gods. Much of this is reinforced through family of origin religious beliefs that are passed down to babies and children who grow into adulthood not understanding what is transpiring.
Rh Negative bloodline is blood that is inherently “karmic-less” blood, the ancestral miasm from previous human generations is not recorded in the same way as “karmic” blood patterns that are passed down into future generations. The karmic (miasma) patterns of repeated lifetimes on earth are energy stamps that are recorded in the blood of every being that is born into this dimension. (This is also how blood covenants are passed down to the future offspring without the person being aware of this arrangement.)  Rh Negative blood is sourced from the Stars, as such they may be called Starseed people.
Because there are less karmic energetic imprints in the blood, higher spiritual –energetic bodies of the Rh negative person have a tendency to function or operate at increased levels than in the majority of the human population. These include higher sensory abilities such as telepathy, empathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, direct spiritual knowing, reading energies, ET contact and awareness that may develop into higher compassionate tendencies towards other humans and the earthly kingdoms. This bloodline has a natural resonance to reconnect with higher DNA activation. For this reason ET’s such as Greys studying DNA code and attempting to replicate DNA, abduct more RH negative people.
For the above reasons, Rh negative people are primarily manipulated with superimposed karmic burdens, many sourcing from Annunaki or other reptilian distortions made in the blood. This is the attempt to distort the blood pattern of the Rh negative person so they cannot be successful or productive in changing the DNA or consciousness structure on planet. Because their blood holds higher DNA potential the NAA and reptilian races do not want this phenomena to occur through the planetary consciousness fields. This impact is known as the hundredth monkey effect, when the collective consciousness reaches certain patterns these influences can impact the collective consciousness on earth. The NAA works against this phenomena from occurring in order to maintain their agenda of promoting a human slave race, on this planet and for other planets which they seek to control. Most reptilian races favor the corrupted Nephilim, ( a being motivated by greed, money and power as they are manipulated by Controllers) who exist as half or more Annunaki in their DNA, to sympathize with their agenda and maintain the belief systems on earth that promote race superiority, genetic discrimination, and social and financial hierarchy as defined by class or a rank assigned.
In this understanding of clearing blood covenants through recessive gene, ancestral gene and hybridization gene of Rh negative bloodlines, we apply core fear release programs to the Rh negative bloodlines as we bear witness to each other. This is taking intention to clear all blood covenants made that connect miasmatic history through recessive genes, ancestral genes and hybridization and genetic modification of past, present and future lifetimes.” 
Carolyn continues on the Reptilian Replication Process:
Why humans are the preferred host:
1.) Humans because similar DNA.
– Reptilians don’t like to acknowledge it, but they already have human DNA in them because they were created by the Nephilim with Nephilim DNA and Nephilim are part human.
2.) To have an anchor on earth.
– Using any terrestrial creature gives them an anchor to the physical plane because a terrestrial creature is made of the substance of the physical plane (earth), but humans have a spiritual authority above all creatures. Even unredeemed humans.
3.) Our intelligence is desirable over other terrestrial life forms.
4.) For spiritual authority.
– Hijacking a human body gives them use of a spiritual authority here on earth that belongs only to humans.
– The spirit of humans are different than all other creatures in creation. We have what I call “the God particle” which is the stamp of the Creator Himself. Mankind was created to be co-rulers over creation with God.
(This is a huge reason why spiritual beings are seeking out humans. They need us to agree with them so they can use us to have access to things on earth as well as in the supernatural. There are places that these beings don’t have access to unless they use humans to get access for them.)
EL: There is still much we do not know about how these reptilian beings operate in the physical and interdimentional realm, and how they “infect” a human host with their blood to replicate themselves. The hosting process of possession may be different than what Carolyn is talking about with the replication process. Many years ago a clairvoyant colleague who observed reptilians first hand wrote an article, “The Birth of a Host”. ( See: This article is still very relevant today in terms of how one can observe the  process of hosting and eventually a full possession.
Perhaps in the alien parasitism life cycle Malanga described where the human Soul component is used to “revivify” the alien bodies, could be one such method that the reptilians use to “jump start” their red blood “stem cell” replication factor, once it’s already embedded within the human host. (EL; for example, in the female ova or conceived embryo).

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