Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Trump: I Will Abolish The Federal Reserve

             Federal Reserve
Donald Trump has vowed to abolish the Federal Reserve and reinstate the gold standard when he enters the White House in January. 
One of Trump’s picks for the Treasury Department Secretary, John Allison, hinted that he will implement the gold standard when the current Federal Reserve Chief, Janet Yellen, retires in 2018.
Conservativedailypost.com reports:
On the campaign trail, Trump often questioned the future of the Federal Reserve’s political independence. In line with these comments, Allison wants to abolish Federal Reserve all together and go back to the gold standard.
In fact, Allison takes that rhetoric one step further. While acting as the head of the Cato Institute, Allison published several thesis indicating that the Federal Reserve was obsolete and needed to be abolished as it restricts power from the people and allows billionaire cronies to run banks globally.
“I would get rid of the Federal Reserve because the volatility in the economy is primarily caused by the Fed,” Allison wrote in 2014 for the Cato Journal.
As an alternative, Allison argues that if we allow the market to regulate itself, it would be preferable to the Federal Reserve harming the stability of the financial system.
“When the Fed is radically changing the money supply, distorting interest rates, and over-regulating the financial sector, it makes rational economic calculation difficult,” Allison wrote. “Markets do form bubbles, but the Fed makes them worse.”
The United States never had a persistent, ongoing problem with inflation until the Federal Reserve was created in 1913.

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