Monday, November 30, 2015

Only Monsters Would Keep this ‘Illegal’ The Astonishing Effects of Cannabis in Under 90 Seconds

As a parent watching your child suffer with uncontrollable bouts of epileptic seizures, is there anything you wouldn’t do to make it stop? Would asinine state laws based on primitive mentalities prevent you from giving your child an effective treatment?
My goal for him is to hear his voice…to hear him talk. We just want him to be happy,” says one parent in this heart-wrenching video.
A particular strain of cannabis oil is showing remarkable benefits for children with severe epilepsy. This plant extract, manufactured under laboratory conditions, is high in CBD (cannabidiol)—a non-psychoactive ingredient—and low in THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). It does not get kids high.
Despite the proven medicinal benefits of marijuana and its derivatives, 14 states and the federal government are stuck in the Reefer Madness era. In those 14 states, parents can be jailed for administering cannabis oil and have their child taken away.
The fact that cannabis oil is classified as a Schedule 1 drug under the U.S. Controlled Substances Act means that clinical research is made extremely difficult, delaying this promising treatment for children. Since long-term uncontrolled seizures can cause continued regression, intellectual disability, and even death, the government’s prohibition is downright immoral.
This is more than just make it so that he doesn’t have seizures anymore. I want him back. I want him to thrive and live and enjoy us. And if a plant can do that why do we object?” asks another parent.
While we wait for government to join the 21st century, CBD-rich cannabis oil is being used as an effective alternative to chemical medication, surgery, and neurostimulation with electrodes. These “accepted” treatments do not always work for severe epilepsy, so it is no surprise when desperate parents turn to a plant extract.
Dr. Linda Laux of the Lurie Children’s Hospital described the astonishing benefits of cannabis oil treatment on severely epileptic children: “Some of the kids clearly became more verbal, better coordination. I had one child who started walking while they were using the medication.
The parent who just wanted to hear her child’s voice was flooded with emotion: “We instantly saw results. He was smiling again. We noticed the decrease in seizures. He was able to transition. At this point, he was finally able to gain cognitive skills.
It is past time for government to get out of the way of medical advancement. End the prohibition of a plant that could ease the suffering of millions.

In the News today

‘Climatic Warfare’ Is Real But Ignored In Climate Change Debate

Weather modification - climatic warfare is real but is largely ignored in the climate change debate
The current debate on climate change happening around the world at the moment refuses to acknowledge ‘climatic warfare’ in its potential leading role in threatening the future of humanity.
Climatic warfare is the deliberate modification of the climate for military use, using weather modification systems such as HAARP.
“HAARP is a weapon of mass destruction, capable of destabilising agricultural and ecological systems globally.”
As world leaders gather at the COP21 conference in Paris this week, why has this subject been excluded from the agenda? reports:

Rarely acknowledged in the debate on global climate change, the world’s weather can now be modified as part of a new generation of sophisticated electromagnetic weapons. Both the US and Russia have developed capabilities to manipulate the climate for military use. Environmental modification techniques have been applied by the US military for more than half a century. US mathematician John von Neumann, in liaison with the US Department of Defense, started his research on weather modification in the late 1940s at the height of the Cold War and foresaw ‘forms of climatic warfare as yet unimagined’. During the Vietnam war, cloud-seeding techniques were used, starting in 1967 under Project Popeye, the objective of which was to prolong the monsoon season and block enemy supply routes along the Ho Chi Minh Trail.
The US military has developed advanced capabilities that enable it selectively to alter weather patterns. The technology, which is being perfected under the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), is an appendage of the Strategic Defense Initiative – ‘Star Wars’. From a military standpoint, HAARP is a weapon of mass destruction, operating from the outer atmosphere and capable of destabilising agricultural and ecological systems around the world.
Weather-modification, according to the US Air Force document AF 2025 Final Report, ‘offers the war fighter a wide range of possible options to defeat or coerce an adversary’, capabilities, it says, extend to the triggering of floods, hurricanes, droughts and earthquakes: ‘Weather modification will become a part of domestic and international security and could be done unilaterally… It could have offensive and defensive applications and even be used for deterrence purposes. The ability to generate precipitation, fog and storms on earth or to modify space weather… and the production of artificial weather all are a part of an integrated set of [military] technologies.’
In 1977, an international Convention was ratified by the UN General Assembly which banned ‘military or other hostile use of environmental modification techniques having widespread, long-lasting or severe effects.’ It defined ‘environmental modification techniques’ as ‘any technique for changing –through the deliberate manipulation of natural processes – the dynamics, composition or structure of the earth, including its biota, lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere, or of outer space.’
While the substance of the 1977 Convention was reasserted in the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) signed at the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio, debate on weather modification for military use has become a scientific taboo.
Military analysts are mute on the subject. Meteorologists are not investigating the matter and environmentalists are focused on greenhouse gas emissions under the Kyoto Protocol. Neither is the possibility of climatic or environmental manipulations as part of a military and intelligence agenda, while tacitly acknowledged, part of the broader debate on climate change under UN auspices.
The HAARP Programme
Established in 1992, HAARP, based in Gokona, Alaska, is an array of high-powered antennas that transmit, through high-frequency radio waves, massive amounts of energy into the ionosphere (the upper layer of the atmosphere). Their construction was funded by the US Air Force, the US Navy and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). Operated jointly by the Air Force Research Laboratory and the Office of Naval Research, HAARP constitutes a system of powerful antennas capable of creating ‘controlled local modifications of the ionosphere’. According to its official website, , HAARP will be used ‘to induce a small, localized change in ionospheric temperature so physical reactions can be studied by other instruments located either at or close to the HAARP site’.
But Rosalie Bertell, president of the International Institute of Concern for Public Health, says HAARP operates as ‘a gigantic heater that can cause major disruptions in the ionosphere, creating not just holes, but long incisions in the protective layer that keeps deadly radiation from bombarding the planet’.
Physicist Dr Bernard Eastlund called it ‘the largest ionospheric heater ever built’. HAARP is presented by the US Air Force as a research programme, but military documents confirm its main objective is to ‘induce ionospheric modifications’ with a view to altering weather patterns and disrupting communications and radar.
According to a report by the Russian State Duma: ‘The US plans to carry out large-scale experiments under the HAARP programme [and] create weapons capable of breaking radio communication lines and equipment installed on spaceships and rockets, provoke serious accidents in electricity networks and in oil and gas pipelines, and have a negative impact on the mental health of entire regions.’*
An analysis of statements emanating from the US Air Force points to the unthinkable: the covert manipulation of weather patterns, communications and electric power systems as a weapon of global warfare, enabling the US to disrupt and dominate entire regions. Weather manipulation is the pre-emptive weapon par excellence. It can be directed against enemy countries or ‘friendly nations’ without their knowledge, used to destabilise economies, ecosystems and agriculture. It can also trigger havoc in financial and commodity markets. The disruption in agriculture creates a greater dependency on food aid and imported grain staples from the US and other Western countries.
HAARP was developed as part of an Anglo-American partnership between Raytheon Corporation, which owns the HAARP patents, the US Air Force and British Aerospace Systems (BAES).
The HAARP project is one among several collaborative ventures in advanced weapons systems between the two defence giants. The HAARP project was initiated in 1992 by Advanced Power Technologies, Inc. (APTI), a subsidiary of Atlantic Richfield Corporation (ARCO). APTI (including the HAARP patents) was sold by ARCO to E-Systems Inc, in 1994. E-Systems, on contract to the CIA and US Department of Defense, outfitted the ‘Doomsday Plan’, which ‘allows the President to manage a nuclear war’.Subsequently acquired by Raytheon Corporation, it is among the largest intelligence contractors in the World. BAES was involved in the development of the advanced stage of the HAARP antenna array under a 2004 contract with the Office of Naval Research.
The installation of 132 high frequency transmitters was entrusted by BAES to its US subsidiary, BAE Systems Inc. The project, according to a July report in Defense News, was undertaken by BAES’s Electronic Warfare division. In September it received DARPA’s top award for technical achievement for the design, construction and activation of the HAARP array of antennas.
The HAARP system is fully operational and in many regards dwarfs existing conventional and strategic weapons systems. While there is no firm evidence of its use for military purposes, Air Force documents suggest HAARP is an integral part of the militarisation of space. One would expect the antennas already to have been subjected to routine testing.
Under the UNFCCC, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has a mandate ‘to assess scientific, technical and socioeconomic information relevant for the understanding of climate change’. This mandate includes environmental warfare. ‘Geo-engineering’ is acknowledged, but the underlying military applications are neither the object of policy analysis or scientific research in the thousands of pages of IPCC reports and supporting documents, based on the expertise and input of some 2,500 scientists, policymakers and environmentalists. ‘Climatic warfare’ potentially threatens the future of humanity, but has casually been excluded from the reports for which the IPCC received the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize.

3D Printed Solar Cells Could Provide 1.3 Billion People with Electricity

printed solar cells
Solar power has been gaining more and more popularity worldwide since the efficiency of solar panels has significantly increased during the recent years, along with the dramatic decrease in the costs. However, its popularity is not only due its affordability to a wider audience but also to the growing awareness about the benefits of clean sources of energy. Yet, the costs of transportation and production often make it extremely difficult to implement solar technology in developing countries. Printed solar cells could offer a solution to this problem.
Thanks to the advances in printed solar cell technology during the past few years, its energy efficiency has increased from 3% to 20%.
Its success is due to its cost-effectiveness and simplicity. A 10×10 cm solar cell film is enough to generate as much as 10-50 watts per square meter,” said Scott Watkins from the Korean company Kyung-In Synthetic.
These paper-thin flexible cells could make it possible to minimize transportation costs and deliver the technology to the most remote locations of the world. In fact, the technology only requires industrial-size 3D printers and perovskite – a mineral consisting of lead, iodine and an organic component. In the future, printed solar cells could provide electric power to 1.3 billion people in developing countries.
A major advantage of printed solar cells in comparison with the conventional silicon-based solar panels is that the latter require much sunlight to be efficient and need to be produced in wafers while 3D printed solar cells offer a more organic way to generate power, using perovskites, and only require industrial printers to be manufactured.
At the same time, it has been shown that the lightweight printed solar cells are vulnerable to moisture, which could cause lead contamination, so the company is currently working on the protective coatings that could provide durability and integrity of the cells without significantly increasing their thickness and weight.
Even though the current method of production allows to make printed solar cells at a minimum cost, there still are some difficulties that hinder the large-scale production of the technology, which requires large capital investments.
Entrepreneurs we’ve engaged cannot afford to invest in the printing machines needed to produce cheap solar strips,” says Bernie Jones, project co-leader of the Smart Villages Initiative, an organization that aims to deliver off-grid solutions to rural areas in developing countries.
Despite all these challenges, printed solar cell technology has the potential to help bring solar power even to the most remote corners of the globe and improve the living conditions of millions of people in the developing world.

Busted: Totally Proven Beyond All Doubt: The French Government Staged The Attack






The fact that the French government murdered victims and then planted them back in the scenes afterwards explains completely why no real shooting ever turned up on amateur cell phone video from the Bataclan, yet there was a significant body count. They took this Mexican girl into custody, murdered her, brought her back into the Bataclan and dragged her to where they left her dead. This explains why blood is dragged all over the floor in the bataclan, because they dragged and dropped the bodies after killing them.


Now let’s keep an eye on the distribution of deaths, to find out if the authorities ID’d people before killing them, to get deaths from as many countries as possible. If there are deaths from everywhere, that is exactly what they did – the French checked ID’s to decide who they would kill based upon where they were from, to get as many countries as possible to stand behind a war on Islam after losing one of their own . . . . .

After reporting this, I might as well pop in a movie and wait for a drone strike. And by the way, I am feeling well and not suicidal.

Anything to get their world war 3, ANYTHING. I am actually pissed off beyond belief, of all the gall! They needed a real body count so they murdered people who were PROVEN ALIVE after the “event!”

Ok, after working on this for a while, things are coming into view. Here is what likely happened: Agents, not “terrorists” got a small body count at the scene, and then spiced it with people they detained afterwards. That makes the most sense based on various reports, they did not kill all “in custody”, they spiced it with people they needed dead for the most political gain by murdering people who were selected for their nationality via their ID’s while in custody.

Among the dead, there is quite a list of countries so far.
We have: Michael Jozic, from Belgium Elif Dogam from Turkey OTHER COUNTRIES NAMED, TO CUT TO THE CHASE: France, Sweden, Tunisia, Mexico, United States, Chile, Algeria, Portugal, Italy, Morocco, Spain, England, Germany, and the list is not done yet.

Paris Shooting HOAX CRISIS ACTOR REVEALED! Smiling Partner Duping Delight! 



Top Obama Appointee: “President Knowingly and Willingly Armed ISIS”


Let’s be very clear who’s come clean on Obama’s treasonous activities, then we can discuss a possible solution to deal with Obama. It’s not Fox News, it’s not the “Vast Right Wing Conspiracy,” it’s not racists, it’s not “climate deniers,” or whoever else liberals will try to pin this on, no, sorry! I know how much liberals HATE facts, but they’re just going to have to deal with them here. As my favorite conservative talk show host Andrew Wilkow likes to say, “We’re right, they’re wrong. That’s the end of the story. The arguments here cannot be broken.” To begin, let’s be clear that there’s a reason Obama GUTTED the military of over 300 high ranking officers (see much of the list here) including admirals and generals when he first took office, and it’s because he needed to be sure he had as many “yes men” around him as possible that wouldn’t cause trouble for him or rock the boat. 
From his earliest days in office, Obama knew his agenda was treasonous, and expressed fears of a military coup, but despite his Stalin-like purge, several of the nation’s finest admirals and generals have come forward accusing Obama of outright TREASON. The problem: No one in America knows because the Obamamaniamedia has completely ignored the highly decorated men who have come forward. Perhaps the most significant of those to openly call Obama a traitor is the former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, General Michael Flynn. For those who don’t know, that is an APPOINTED position, so at the very highest of levels within our government, Obama’s own people have called him a traitor. Flynn is hardly the only general to come forward, as have several admirals, and when you see the information they revealed, you’re going to be sick. The information that follows, is voluminous, but it is also incredibly thorough, intended to silence anyone who suggests Obama is not a traitor with FACTS! Internet posts like this one are the EXACT reason The TPP Has a Secret Clause Included to Limit Free Speech Online Once Fully Implemented. The government has the mainstream media under control… it’s alternative media they need to silence at any cost! For that reason, you might want to check out 10 Reasons Why You Should Oppose TPP and TTIP
In the post titled, Can A Sitting US President Be Arrested, it was explained that a sitting president CANNOT be arrested, and the reason for that is because there is a part of the Constitution that specifically lays out how a situation like the one we find ourselves in is handled, and that is the Impeachment process. How impeachment works, and why Obama hasn’t been impeached are covered in the post. Yes, the Sergeant at Arms of the Senate would be the only person who can actually slap the cuffs on, but not at his own discretion. In the video below, I’m going to lay out a brief timeline of events, and what you can find in the links and videos that follow to make this all very clear. In the video I also offer what may be the only solution Americans have… 

Leaked documents from CIA director’s email reveal thoughts on torture, Iran, Afghanistan

Director of the Central Intelligence Agency John Brennan © Brendan McDermid
Director of the Central Intelligence Agency John Brennan © Brendan McDermid / Reuters

WikiLeaks has come into possession of the contents of CIA chief John Brennan's email account. Among the documents, from the period when Brennan worked in the private sector, are reports on Afghanistan and torture, and ideas for US policy towards Iran.
The emails, obtained by a hacker earlier this week, were from Brennan’s private email account, which the CIA chief appears to have used to work on several intelligence-related projects in 2007 and 2008.
READ MORE: CIA chief's e-mail hacked, hackers with pro-Palestinian agenda claim responsibility
Focus on torture
The leaked papers include alleged drafts containing discussions about “challenges for the US Intelligence Community in a post cold-war and post-9/11 world,” as well as proposals regarding “torture methods.
Among the documents harvested from Brennan’s personal emails is a May 2008 letter from Christopher Bond, vice-chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, proposing a way to ban torture while continuing to interrogate “high-value detainees.”
Both the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) and CIA director at the time had objected to proposals limiting interrogation methods to the 19 techniques explicitly authorized in the Army Field Manual (AFM).
Rather than authorizing intelligence agencies to use only those techniques that are allowed under the AFM, I believe the more prudent approach is to preclude the use of specific techniques that are prohibited under the AFM,” Bond wrote. This would allow the use of interrogation methods not explicitly authorized in the manual, but still considered acceptable under the Geneva Conventions and other laws.
Bond lists the methods that should be prohibited: “forcing the detainee to be naked, perform sexual acts, or pose in a sexual manner; placing hoods or sacks over the head of a detainee and using duct tape over the eyes; applying beatings, electric shock, burns, or similar forms of physical pain; ‘waterboarding;’ using military working dogs; inducing hypothermia or heat injury; conducting mock executions; and depriving the detainee of adequate food, water or medical care.”
Ties with Iran
A note called the Conundrum of Iran, which gave recommendations to “whoever takes up residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in January 2009,” emphasized the need for negotiations with Tehran.  Brennan gave a history of Iran’s political development over the centuries, criticized the Islamic republic for its support of terrorists, but also praised the efforts of Iranian diplomats in negotiations in post-Taliban Afghanistan. The note was written in 2007, when Brennan worked at The Analysis Corp (TAC), an intelligence and analysis firm he founded.
Earlier this week, an American teenage hacker with pro-Palestinian views claimed that he had broken into the personal email accounts of US top security officials, CIA director Brennan’s among them.
Calling for clear instructions to intelligence community
Another document is a July 2007 draft position paper proposing reforms within the US intelligence community. One of Brennan’s suggestions is to extend the terms of the CIA Director and the Director of National Intelligence to 10 years. This would remove these positions from the “cycle of partisan political appointments” and “ensure needed continuity at the helm of US Intelligence,” he wrote.
“Backroom discussions that result in Presidential directives of dubious legality are not in keeping with our Constitutional foundations,” Brennan wrote, demanding “clear mandates, defined responsibilities, and firm criteria for domestic intelligence operations,” so the intel agencies would know their limits and what is required of them.
Instead, he said, the “ineffective implementation” of the 2004 reforms that created DNI has “resulted in confusion and competition among intelligence agencies.”
The draft peters off while discussing the importance of intelligence operations abroad, leaving unfinished the section on 'Damaging Leaks of Classified Information.'
Stranded without a strategy in Afghanistan
The hacktivist group Anonymous also released fragments of several documents, including an undated report by Louis Tucker, Minority Staff Director at the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, to Vice-Chairman Bond.
Tucker reports that he traveled to India, Afghanistan and Pakistan with four colleagues, visiting a number of cities and officials. He complained that the US Central Command (CENTCOM) in Bagram, Afghanistan “remained strongly unsupportive” of the trip at every stage.
“Everyone we spoke with on the ground in Afghanistan and Pakistan confessed that they know of no overall USG strategy for the region,” Tucker wrote. “Rather, we observed quality individuals serving judiciously in their own lanes ungoverned by a coordinated, comprehensive strategy.”
The group concluded this lack of coordination was the greatest contributor to the US failure to achieve regional stability, urging the development of a comprehensive strategy based on clearly defined US goals in the region.
They also recommended the US to avoid cross-border attacks into the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) of Pakistan, as they risked alienating the Pakistani government and international opinion.
Last, but not least, the group urged the lawmakers to resist the refrain of “send more troops,” as that would be a recipe for disaster without a strategy.
Hacked by 'cracka'
Some of the documents have been posted on Twitter, with edited parts of them reportedly made public by the hacker under the username "cracka." Apart from the CIA chief's email, the teenager claimed to have gained access to Brennan's personal AOL account, which contained the official's own application for top security clearance.
The FBI and Secret Service said they were investigating the situation.

NASA-funded study: Over 32 advanced civilizations have collapsed before us, and we’re next in line.


About A Sheep No More

A Sheep No More is no longer plugged into the Matrix like the many sheep who are still programmed to believe that they have correct information provided by a varied and “independent media.” In fact the media is owned by 5 or 6 mega-media companies run by corporate advertising executives and Washington.
  As any long-time reader of this column knows, we routinely draw from historical lessons to highlight that this time is not different. Throughout the 18th century, for example, France was the greatest superpower in Europe, if not the world.
But they became complacent, believing that they had some sort of ‘divine right’ to reign supreme, and that they could be as fiscally irresponsible as they liked.
The French government spent money like drunken sailors; they had substantial welfare programs, free hospitals, and grand monuments.
They held vast territories overseas, engaged in constant warfare, and even had their own intrusive intelligence service that spied on King and subject alike.Of course, they couldn’t pay for any of this.
French budget deficits were out of control, and they resorted to going heavily into debt and rapidly debasing their currency.
Stop me when this sounds familiar.
The French economy ultimately failed, bringing with it a 26-year period of hyperinflation, civil war, military conquest, and genocide.
History is full of examples, from ancient Mesopotamia to the Soviet Union, which show that whenever societies reach unsustainable levels of resource consumption and allocation, they collapse.
I’ve been writing about this for years, and the idea is now hitting mainstream.
recent research paper funded by NASA highlights this same premise. According to the authors:
“Collapses of even advanced civilizations have occurred many times in the past five thousand years, and they were frequently followed by centuries of population and cultural decline and economic regression.”
The results of their experiments show that some of the very clear trends which exist today– unsustainable resource consumption, and economic stratification that favors the elite– can very easily result in collapse.
In fact, they write that “collapse is very difficult to avoid and requires major policy changes.”
This isn’t exactly good news.
But here’s the thing– between massive debts, deficits, money printing, war, resource depletion, etc., our modern society seems riddled with these risks.
And history certainly shows that dominant powers are always changing.
Empires rise and fall. The global monetary system is always changing. The prevailing social contract is always changing.
But there is one FAR greater trend across history that supercedes all of the rest… and that trend is the RISE of humanity.
Human beings are fundamentally tool creators. We take problems and turn them into opportunities. We find solutions. We adapt and overcome.
The world is not coming to an end. It’s going to reset. There’s a huge difference between the two.
Think about the system that we’re living under.
A tiny elite has total control of the money supply. They wield intrusive spy networks and weapons of mass destruction. The can confiscate the wealth of others in their sole discretion. They can indebt unborn generations.
Curiously, these are the same people who are so incompetent they can’t put a website together.
It’s not working. And just about everyone knows it.
We’re taught growing up that ‘We the People’ have the power to affect radical change in the voting booth. But this is another fairy tale.
Voting only changes the players. It doesn’t change the game.
Technology is one major game changer. The technology exists today to completely revolutionize the way we live and govern ourselves.
Today’s system is just a 19th century model applied to a 21st century society. I mean– a room full of men making decisions about how much money to print? It’s so antiquated it’s almost comical.
But given that the majority of Western governments borrow money just to pay interest on money they’ve already borrowed, it’s obvious the current game is almost finished.
When it ends, there will be a reset… potentially a tumultuous one.
This is why you want to have a plan B, and why you don’t want to have all of your eggs in one basket.
After all, why bother working so hard if everything you’ve ever achieved or provided for your children is tied up in a country with dismal fundamentals?
If you agree with me, then feel free to share this article with your friends below so they also can get a plan B in place. They’ll be glad they did. 

Video Catches Cop on Rampage as Fellow Cops Try to Stop Him from Torturing Handcuffed Man

Federal Heights, CO — Officer Mark Magness is no stranger to police brutality. In 2009, after being on the Federal Heights police department for a year, Magness was convicted of misdemeanor assault after he broke an innocent man’s arm while investigating the popping of illegal fireworks.
Despite pleading guilty to assault, Magness was never fired.
Now, 6 years later, we are witnessing the horrid negligence of this department for allowing a monster like Magness to remain in a position of power.
ABC 7 Denver, obtained body cam footage of two Federal Heights officers. The footage shows nothing short of torture, carried out by one, Officer Mark Magness.
The 9 minute and 30-second long video begins as Magness yanks the handcuffed man from the car and smashes his face into the wall. The man immediately starts bleeding profusely from the mouth.
“Stand up!” yells Magness to the man he just threw down. In the background, the man can be heard apologizing as he’s thrown around like a ragdoll.
The man, who is now fairly agitated after being assaulted while in handcuffs is thrown into the cell. He then makes a mistake and raises his open hand toward Magness.
At this point, Magness jumps on the man and begins pummeled him. Magness, knowing that his body camera is recording this abuse, continues to yell out, “Stop Resisting!” throughout the abuse in an attempt to justify his torturous ways.
One of the officers points at Magness’ chest in an apparent attempt to warn this maniac that his actions are being recorded. “F**k that! F**k that!” yells Magness as to imply that he has no intentions of stopping this assault, regardless of being recorded.
The man, who is now in handcuffs again, is thrown into a restraint chair by Magness, again apologizing the entire time.
“I’m sorry, sir, I won’t do nothing else,” the man says.
“We’re gonna need medical,” the second officer says pointing to his chin.
“I don’t care, strap him to the chair,” Magness replies.
Then the man yells “ow!” as Magness gouges his temple. Magness replies, “no this is ‘ow,'” as he jams his finger underneath the man’s ear.
The entire time Magness continues to yell, “Stop Resisting!”
What the man was being arrested for and the totality of his injuries were not released by the department.
However, court records show that on June 17, Magness pleaded guilty to attempted third-degree assault for this attack which happened in December.
Magness’ status with the Federal Heights police department has yet to be released publicly.

Chilling Video Shows NATO Member State Greeting and Providing Refuge to ISIS Militants

Amateur video taken at the Turkish-Syrian border shows Turkish soldiers greeting ISIS militants with open arms.
A video that seemingly bolsters Russian claims of Turkish government complicity with the Islamic State, highlights the casual relations between the terror group and Turkish officials.
Turkey has been accused of being one of the main benefactors of the ISIS terror group, accused of providing logistics, financing and military hardware. These accusations are particularly startling as Turkey is a member of NATO, a collective security group obligated to go to war if a member state is attacked. It would be a seemingly dangerous proposition to allow a state that basically props up the Islamic State, which then uses the group as a geopolitical weapon, to be in such a strategically important group.
The amateur footage reportedly shows ISIS militants and Turkish border guards holding a relaxed conversation near the Syrian city of Kobane, according to the Daily Mail. The amateur footage, taken near Zarova Hill on the outskirts of Kobane, was uploaded to YouTube on October 28, 2014.
                                                 According to the report in the Daily Mail:
It appears to show two heavily armed militants wandering nonchalantly up to the Turkish border fence – displaying shocking bravado as they smile and wave at the camera.
They are met by what appears to be a military vehicle full of security officials who, despite carrying weapons themselves, do little more than break into conversation with the jihadis, who eventually wander off back into Syria while shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’…
The clip begins with the two apparent jihadists lighting fires near a group of cars, which are believed to have been abandoned by desperate Kurdish families who fled Kobane in recent weeks when ISIS militants stepped up their attacks on the city.
After appearing to realise they are being filmed from inside Turkey, the pair start walking towards the border fence, stopping only to mockingly wave at the amateur filmmaker.
As they reach the border fence, an armoured military vehicle belonging to Turkish border guards speeds up to meet them. Heavily armed officials jump out the back of the car and – after briefly talking on their radios, simply engage the men in conversation.
At one point the situation appears tense and a border guard scampers towards the militants with his gun briefly raised, but he stops seconds later and also begins talking to the men.
After several minutes chatting, the militants wander off, defiantly raising their index finger to the sky to represent jihadism while chanting ‘Allahu Akbar’ – a phrase that translates as ‘God is the greatest’.
The Turkish government has repeatedly been accused of being one of the largest state sponsors of the Islamic State.
International security expert, Dr. Nafeez Ahmed, has repeatedly documented the fact that Turkey acts as a state sponsor of ISIS.
According to a report in Insurge Intelligence by Dr. Ahmed:
Earlier this year, the Turkish daily Meydan reported citing an Uighur source that more than 100,000 fake Turkish passports had been given to ISIS…
A senior Western official familiar with a large cache of intelligence obtained this summer from a major raid on an ISIS safehouse told the Guardian that “direct dealings between Turkish officials and ranking ISIS members was now ‘undeniable.’” The same official confirmed that Turkey, a longstanding member of NATO, is not just supporting ISIS, but also other jihadist groups, including Ahrar al-Sham and Jabhat al-Nusra, al-Qaeda’s affiliate in Syria…
Turkey has also played a key role in facilitating the life-blood of ISIS’ expansion: black market oil sales. Senior political and intelligence sources in Turkey and Iraq confirm that Turkish authorities have actively facilitated ISIS oil sales through the country…
Last summer, Mehmet Ali Ediboglu, an MP from the main opposition, the Republican People’s Party, estimated the quantity of ISIS oil sales in Turkey at about $800 million — that was over a year ago.
By now, this implies that Turkey has facilitated over $1 billion worth of black market ISIS oil sales to date.
Turkey is a neo-Islamist regime bent on taking out the Assad government in Syria through the use of terrorist proxies and is working to defend their terrorist allies in Syria.
After the downing of the Russian fighter jet, Russian President Vladimir Putin very succinctly laid out what has been taking place, placing blame directly on the Turkish government for the continued growth of the Islamic State.
“We have long been recording the movement of a large amount of oil and petroleum products to Turkey from Isis-occupied territories. This explains the significant funding the terrorists are receiving. Now they are stabbing us in the back by hitting our planes that are fighting terrorism. This is happening despite the agreement we have signed with our American partners to prevent air incidents, and, as you know, Turkey is among those who are supposed to be fighting terrorism within the American coalition…
If Isis is making so much money – we are talking about tens or maybe even hundreds of millions, possibly billions of dollars – in oil trade and they are supported by the armed forces of an entire state, it is clear why they are being so daring and impudent, why they are killing people in such gruesome ways, why they are committing terrorist attacks all over the world, including in the heart of Europe,” Putin said.
The fact that NATO continues to allow membership by Turkey, after their blatant support of the Islamic State, should raise serious questions as to who we call our “allies.”
If the U.S. truly wants to stop the Islamic State then it would seem logical to call Turkey out for its immense and continued state support of ISIS/Daesh.
The fact remains that Turkey is one of the biggest supporters of global terrorism and a member of NATO.
Will the Western world really allow itself be dragged into a potential global war due to an alliance with the Turkish government who refuses to cease their support for the Islamic State?

Putin Plans To Bring Down Turkey’s Corrupt Government

Putin vows to destroy Turkey's government and President
Vladimir Putin has authorized Russia’s military to bring down the current Turkish government, which includes plans to rid Turkey of its leader President Recep Erdogan, in response to Turkey’s shooting down of the Russian Su-24 warplane. 
According to the Ministry of Defence, the shooting down of the plane was organised by the CIA and Turkey, as part of an oil-for-weapons scheme which involved ISIS militants operating in Syria run by Turkey’s President Erdogan’s son Bilal Erdogan.
According to the MoD, Bilal Erdogan is the mastermind behind the lucrative crude oil smuggling by ISIS militants in Turkey, which is thought to hep fund the Islamic State. reports:
With the money earned from this sale of the Islamic States oil, this report notes, American weapons and ammunition were then bought from the CIA and transported back into Syria by Turkey’s National Intelligence Organization (MİT) to Islamic State terrorists—which was documented and verified by the editor-in-chief of the Turkish Cumhuriyet newspaper who upon the release of this information was ordered arrested yesterday by President Erdogan on treason and espionage charges.
With Aerospace
 Forces having destroyed over 1,000 fuel tankers in the week prior to 24 November carrying illegal Islamic State oil into Turkey, MoD analysts in this report state, Bilal Erdogan, along with his MIT and CIA “accomplices” then ordered the “shootdown by ambush” of Russia’s Su24-M bomber aircraft with Turkish Prime Minister, and Erdogan family ally, Ahmet Davutoglu admitting that he personally gave the order to fire on the aircraft—and which was filmed by Islamic State terrorists who knew where and when to “get that exclusive footage”, as reported by Federation Colonel-General Viktor Bondarev.

To the Western propaganda effort to “disguise/distort” this war crime against the Federation by Turkey, this report says, it has fallen into to many absurdities to count—including the impossibility of this Su24-M being able to fly over Turkish territory at a speed at which if true it had would have fallen from the sky, and which Wikileaks stated about: “Journalists: Learn to do basic maths. Look at Turkey’s statement to UN: 1.15 miles / 17 seconds x 60 x 60 = 243 miles/hour = 391 km/hour”.
Even worse about the Western propaganda, this report notes, is an obvious Erdogan-MIT-CIA fabricated recording of the alleged warning given to the Su24-M bomber aircraft—but which Turkish authorities have informed the Russian military attache that they did not provide the media with any audio recordings of alleged radio contacts between their F-16 fighter and the downed Russian Su-24M bomber aircraft because they don’t exist.
To President Putin’s war order against the Erdogan family and regime, this report continues, it has included the obliteration of the Islamic State forces in the area where this plane was downed and now allows Aerospace Forces to shoot down all enemy planes and objects which pose, or can pose, a threat to the serviceman of Russia in Syria.
And as stated by President Putin to the media this morning, these measures let everyone know clearly that the next time any foreign plane tries to carry out aggression against the Russian Air Force, air base, or the military personnel of Russia in Syria—they will be, without any doubts, immediately destroyed—and the Triumph S-400 air defense missile complex wasn’t just deployed to Syria for appearances.
With Turkey now massing tanks on their border with Syria, this report continues, President Putin’s war plan against the Erdogan regime also includes the destruction of the Turkish economy and the 1 January 2016 planned suspension of visa-free travel between Russia and Turkey—and, perhaps most dangerously, the immediate deployment to the Kurdish Syrian independent region of Rojava a contingent of Spetsnaz (Special Forces) troops to aid these people in their fight against the Islamic State.
With Turkey having bombed Kurdish fighters in Iraq and Syria 300 times and Islamic State targets only three, this report notes, the Erdogan regimes greatest fears have been revealed as being against these mainly women and girl Kurdish fighters in Rojava decimating Islamic State terrorists—and who by their success has invigorated the freedom thoughts of Turkey’s own Kurdish minority President Erdogan has vowed to destroy.
To if the United States would go to war against Russia to protect the Islamic State on the side of Turkey, this report concludes, it appears unlikely after the Obama regime removed all of their military forces Patriot Missiles from Turkish territory leaving that nation defenseless against Federation retaliation if needed.
And even though not contained in this MoD report, it is worth noting that should the Obama regime engage in war with Russia over the Islamic State, the American fighters entering the battlefield have now become so weak that this past week, the elite US military academy for training officers, West Point, was forced to ban pillow fights and the students at the University of Massachusetts were provided emergency grief counseling after they inadvertently saw a Confederate Battle Flag sticker on someone’s computer.

Turkish Journalist Arrested For Exposing Weapons On Route To ISIS

Turkish journalist Can Dundar arrested for exposing trucks with weapons bound for ISIS militants
Two Turkish journalists have been arrested following the publication of what Turkey deems “top secret” information about the transport of weapons via Turkish trucks to ISIS militants. 
Cumhuriyet daily Editor-in-Chief Can Dündar and Ankara Representative Erdem Gül were arrested for “providing documents regarding security of the state”, “political and military espionage”, “releasing secret documents” and “propaganda for terror organization.” reports:
The trucks were stopped in early January, 2014, in southern Adana province while they were carrying supplies to Turkmens of Bayırbucak region northern Syria’s Latakia according to government officials. The raid against the trucks was allegedly carried out by officials linked with the controversial Gülen Movement with the purpose of undermining the government’s reputation on international area.
An investigation was launched against the raid, and while the investigation was underway, Cumhuriyet daily, later joined by several other media institutions, unlawfully published the footage regarding the content found in the raid.
At the time of the raid, the footage regarding the operation and treatment of MİT officials were broadcasted, receiving heavy criticism from the government and the public.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Elite is preparing for Something Big: Soros Sold Shares Worth Millions of Dollars Below the Price and Changes Them for the Gold!


ELITE is preparing for something big: Soros sold shares worth millions of dollars below the price and changes them for the gold!


Soros and ‘Association’ cause financial chaos to create a single bank, the army and the government.Great consternation in the US has caused the discovery of the mass concentration camps and surrounded by several rows of wire and built in all parts of the United States. These camps can accommodate millions of people, which makes the water fall theses that were built for the reception of a few thousand illegal immigrants.
‘Why billionaires Gyorgy Soros and John Paulson are buying gold?’ the title is a very interesting text which is a few days ago by the US independent portal Blacklisted News, written by journalist Michael Snudera, which based on the behavior of powerful multimillionaire, and well-informed stock exchange broker, trying to figure out what is really happening in the financial world.
Something big soon might happen! – Wall Street insiders and leading bankers lately drawn a very unusual moves from which to conclude that they are preparing for something ‘big’, it may soon happen – says in the introduction to a journalist of the portal, and then added that the more indicators leading to the conclusion that in the US, and beyond, will soon happen major financial collapse.
That its conclusion Snyder supports, among other things, by the fact that financial magnate and billionaire Gyorgy Soros recently sold shares cheap world’s most famous banks (JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs), and other of its shares, while at the same time buys large amounts of gold. Why would anyone below cost selling stocks and buying gold, if not expected to collapse?
– Why would anyone below the price sold tens of millions of dollars worth of shares of leading banks, and at the same time buying huge amounts of gold, unless you think that he will soon be a major collapse of the world financial system – noted journalist, that his thesis then support some earlier Soros’s statements.
– I can not cheer the good news, because the situation is very serious and heavy. Waiting for us an extremely difficult time, something like a crisis as occurred thirties of the last century, and it ispossible total collapse of the entire financial system
After that, there could be major riots in the streets of America, which could serve as an excuse for the use of weapons by the authorities, and for the introduction of restrictive political system in which the ‘individual freedom were even more limited – said Soros in a recent interview with Newsweek.
In America, the mass buying ammunition not intended for the military!
American Social Services arming itself as that in the war! Gold in large quantities, other than Soros, buying and other billionaires like John Paulson, and many central banks. Well informed the stock exchange ‘insiders’, besides, recently massively sell shares of the company, a large amount of money (it is about billions of dollars) at the same time derive from investment funds, notes that the author then notes that, in addition to gold, the Lately in America intensively bought and ammunition.
It was recently discovered that the American social services to buy 174,000 cartridges which will be divided into 41 location in America. Why in God’s name, social workers need 174,000 bullets? – Asks the author, and adds that earlier this year the Office of State Security of the United States bought over a billion bullets, many of which pierce the walls and destroy the organs, which, it is important to point out, are not ordered for the US Army!
– It is obvious that a stockbroker, the US government and central bank are preparing for something big, which is why neither you should not stick your head in the sand – concludes the author of the text.
Billionaires are betting in the collapse of the euro? If we add to all of the above information to Jacob Rothschild, John Paulson and Gyorgy Soros in the hundreds of millions of dollars these days in the stocks collapse of the euro, as well as the fact that the euro in recent days actually decreased significantly, the imminent financial collapse of the world increasingly appears to be unrealistic.
Who actually causing the worst possible outcome, or when in the background pulling the strings for which Europe and the United States threatens an even greater crisis, or economic catastrophe such as the world had not seen since the thirties of the last century, which was preceded by the largest conflict in the history of warfare?
George Soros: The Future 


Something to think about...


Police Brutality Victim Mysteriously Killed a Day Before Receiving $450K Settlement

Robert Hinton, 28, was killed just before midnight on Thursday, the day before he was scheduled to receive a $450,000 settlement from the city. Hinton had won the settlement roughly two months ago when it was decided in court that corrections officers used unjust force against him during his stay at Rikers Prison.
Surveillance footage at the prison revealed that corrections officers hog-tied Hinton and assaulted him, all while he was already shackled and not threatening them harm in any way. Hinton was being transferred to another part of the jail but refused to leave his cell. According to the lawsuit, that is when five corrections officers, including a captain, entered his cell and assaulted him.
The judge said in her decision that,I find that Hinton was never uncuffed during the use of force and was incapable of defending himself, Once inside the cell, [the officers] left Hinton handcuffed and shackled and administered a brutal beating that was contemplated before they entered the cell.”
“You don’t get what you want, you get what you deserve, which is an ass-whipping,” the captain reportedly said during the beating.
“Unfortunately, what happened to Robert happens every day on Rikers Island. Robert’s the lucky one who got his day in court,” one of his lawyers, Nicole Bellina said during his trial.
Rikers is notorious for mistreatment of its inmates, earlier this year it was reported that Rikers allowed guards to rape female inmates with the consent of public officials. Prior to that, there were concerns about rat poison being found in the food that was served to prisoners. After the poison was found in their food, they were then denied medical attention so the prison could avoid any evidence being collected.
“We had a conversation about how hopeful he was, about how the settlement money was going to give him a chance for a fresh start,Bellina said recently after hearing the news of his death.
The timing of his death is extremely strange, and there will undoubtedly be suspicion thrown towards the city and the police department who may now get out of paying nearly a half million dollars towards his settlement.
His mother had a strange conversation with him just before his death, where he said that he had a feeling that something bad was going to happen.
“He felt like something was going to happen to him,” Robert Hinton’s mom Parys Johnson told the Daily News Saturday.
“We had this conversation Thursday. And his words to me were, ‘You know mom, if something happens to me, make sure (my girlfriend) Michelle and the baby’s all right.’”
So far there are no suspects or leads in the case.

URGENT DEVELOPMENT -- China Joins Russia In Syria Air Raids... (Buckle Up Folks...)

China has told Moscow that they will join in the bombing in Syria from their Aircraft Carrier. This has HUGE implications folks. HUGE!
It is a well-known fact that the Nation of Iran today has two chief allies, Russia and China. They have stood by Iran through the thick and thin especially with controlling interest as permanent members of the United Nation’s Security Council. Without Russian and China, Shiite Iran would have been history decades ago.
Today again, they are proving that they will be prepared to stand in opposition to the United States and NATO because all four are vying for world dominion.  So also the rest of the world’s prophetic nations are aligning themselves either for or again either of two global forces.
China To Join Russian Air Strikes In Syria, Russia Gains Iraq Air Base
BELGRADE – DEBKAfile’s military and intelligence sources report that China sent word to Moscow on Friday, October 2, that J-15 fighter bombers would shortly join the Russian air campaign that was launched Wednesday, September 30. Baghdad has moreover offered Moscow an air base for targeting the Islamic State now occupying large swathes of Iraqi territory, reports.
The J-15 warplanes will take off from the Chinese Liaoning-CV-16 aircraft carrier, which reached Syrian shores on September 26, according to DEBKAfile. This will be a landmark event for Beijing: its first military operation in the Middle East as well the carrier’s first taste of action in conditions of real combat.
Thursday night, China’s foreign minister Wang Yi, made this comment on the Syrian crisis at a UN Security Council session in New York: “The world cannot afford to stand by and look on with folded arms, but must also not arbitrarily interfere (in the crisis).”
A no less significant development occurred at about the same time when Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, speaking to the US PBS NewsHour, said he would welcome a deployment of Russian troops to Iraq to fight ISIS (Islamic State / ISIL) forces in his country too. As an added incentive, he noted that this would also give Moscow the chance to deal with the 2,500 Chechen Muslims whom, he said, are fighting with ISIS in Iraq.
Baghdad and Moscow have just concluded a deal for the Russian air force to start using the Al Taqaddum Air Base at Habbaniyah, 74 km west of Baghdad, both as a way station for the Russian air corridor to Syria and as a launching-pad for bombing missions against ISIS forces and infrastructure in northern Iraq and northern Syria.
A joint Russian-Iranian-Syrian-Iraqi war room has been working since last week out of the Iraqi Defense Ministry and military staff headquarters in Baghdad to coordinate the passage of Russian and Iranian airlifts to Syria and also Russian air raids. This command center is also organizing the transfer of Iranian and pro-Iranian Shiite forces into Syria.Russia has thus gained a military enclave in Iraq, just as it has in Syria, where it has taken over a base outside Latakia on the western coast of Syria. At the same time, the Habbaniyah air base also serves US forces operating in Iraq, which number an estimated 5,000.

Zionists pushing countries to World War III: Researcher

Brad Pitt Just Said that He Wants the Criminal Bankers to Pay

Brad Pitt just risked ostracization from the elite by calling for the bankers responsible for the financial collapse to pay for their crimes.
On Monday, actor Brad Pitt attended the screening for a new film in which he co-stars with Christian Bale, Steve Carell, and Ryan Gosling, The Big Short.
The film takes on the banking elite and exposes the corruption and sheer unaccountable nature of the ruling class.
Four outsiders in the world of high-finance who predicted the credit and housing bubble collapse of the mid-2000s decide to take on the big banks for their lack of foresight and greed.
During the screening, Pitt, and director Adam McKay, both revealed that their interests in this film were not just theatrical. The duo bravely expressed their discontent with the criminal banking cartels.
When Pitt was asked if banks should have been held responsible for the crisis that inspired the film, Pitt replied with a sigh, “I’m as frustrated as you are . . . I think it’s horrible that no bank officials have ever been held accountable. Therefore, there’s no incentive to stop this behavior.”
After Pitt had expressed his uneasiness, McKay took a unique stance as far as Hollywood goes, and blasted the Obama administration for its failure to prosecute the bankers.
McKay said, “We did a screening . . . Nancy Pelosi was there . . . We talked about that. It’s the oldest scam . . . [Bankers] tell the leaders, ‘If you put us in jail, you’ll ruin the economy’ . . . I think Obama has done a lot of good things, but I think one of the big black marks on his presidency is that no one went to jail.”
The power of Hollywood to influence and educate the public is enormous. However, most of the fluff oozing out of Hollywood merely props up the status quo and refuses to challenge the paradigm.
When Hollywood insiders risk ostracization from the industry elite by calling out criminals within the establishment, they certainly deserve acclaim.
While there are certainly other issues to disagree with Brad Pitt and Adam McKay on, the fact that they have made such a bold statement against the banking elite is noteworthy, to say the least.

No US airstrikes in Syria since Russia deployed S-400 systems

An S-400 air defence missile system is deployed for a combat duty at the Hmeymim airbase to provide security of the Russian air group's flights in Syria. © Dmitriy Vinogradov
An S-400 air defence missile system is deployed for a combat duty at the Hmeymim airbase to provide security of the Russian air group's flights in Syria. © Dmitriy Vinogradov / Sputnik

Both the American and Turkish air forces halted their strikes on Syrian territory around the time Russia deployed S-400 air defense complexes at the Khmeimim airbase, from which it stages its own incursions against Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL).
A spokesperson of the Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve (CJTF-OIR) told Sputnik on Friday that the absence of anti-IS coalition airstrikes “has nothing to do with the S400 deployment” in Syria.
READ MORE: Russia deploys cutting-edge S-400 air defense system to Syrian base after Su-24 downing
“The fluctuation or absence of strikes in Syria reflects the ebb and flow of battle,” the spokesperson said, adding that CJTF-OIR deliver airstrikes when and where it needs to, dedicating a lot of time to researching targets to ensure maximum effect and minimizing civilian casualties.
As CJTF-OIR reported on Friday, the US-led coalition had made no sorties against targets in Syria bsince Thursday, while airstrikes against Islamic State in Iraq continued, with the coalition making 18 strikes on terrorist positions.
On November 24, a Turkish F-16 fighter jet shot down a Russian Su-24 bomber, which had been bombing IS positions. Moscow says the bomber was in Syrian airspace which the F-16 violated, while Turkey claims the Russian jet crossed the Turkish border and was repeatedly warned before the attack.
Both the pilot and the navigator of the Su-24 ejected. The pilot was killed by a militant group while parachuting to the ground, while the rescue operation for the Russian navigator was successful to a certain extent: a Marine died providing covering fire in the rescue team drop zone and a helicopter was lost after it was hit with an American-made anti-tank TOW missile the terrorists are armed with.
READ MORE: US anti-tank TOW missile used in attack on RT journalists in Syria
After the incident, Russia’s Joint Staff took the decision to enhance air defenses at the Khmeimim airbase south of the Syrian port of Latakia.
The following day, on November 25, Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu announced the immediate deployment of S-400 misslies to Syria.
S-400 Triumph system missile launchers were airlifted to Syria by Antonov An-124 Ruslan super-jumbo aircraft 24 hours after the decision was announced on Wednesday.
According to open sources, the S-400 is capable of shooting down any existing aircraft, helicopter or missile traveling at speeds of up to 4.8 kilometer per second (over 17,000 km/h) The only target the system would have problems with is a nuclear warhead of intercontinental ballistic missile, which flies at speeds of up to 6-7 kilometer per second.
The S-400 engages targets at distances as far as 400 kilometers and heights of up to 27 kilometers (or higher with newer missiles). This is enough to cover at least 75 percent of Syrian territory, along with the airspaces of Lebanon, Cyprus, half of Israel and a vast part of Turkey.
© Google MapsThe S-400’s radar has a range of 600 kilometers and is capable of discriminating even objects moving on the ground, such as cars and military vehicles.
S-400 radar covers Syria, western regions of Iraq and Saudi Arabia, nearly all of Israel and Jordan, Egypt’s northern Sinai, a large part of the eastern Mediterranean and Turkish airspace as far as the capital Ankara.

Saudi Arabia planning to behead 50 people in one day: Amnesty

A cartoon by Peter Brookes, published by The Times on November 28, 2015, compares Saudi executions to beheadings carried out by the Daesh Takfiri terrorists.
A cartoon by Peter Brookes, published by The Times on November 28, 2015, compares Saudi executions to beheadings carried out by the Daesh Takfiri terrorists.

The Saudi Arabian government plans to execute at least 50 people mostly over terror related charges in one day, warns a human rights group.
"National media outlets close to the Saudi Arabian authorities" reported the convicted persons would soon be  put to death, said Amnesty International in a recent report.
Some of those to be put to death are supposedly al-Qaeda affiliates or charged with attempting to overthrow the government.     
“Beheading or otherwise executing dozens of people in a single day would mark a dizzying descent to yet another outrageous low for Saudi Arabia, whose authorities have continued to show stone-faced cynicism and even open defiance when authorities and ordinary people around the world question their sordid record on the use of the death penalty,” said Amnesty International’s Deputy Director of the Middle East and North Africa James Lynch.
Five Shia Muslim activists are among those to be beheaded, three of whom are children. The families of all have requested clemency from Saudi Arabia’s King Salman.
Among the juveniles is Ali Mohammed Baqir al-Nimr, the nephew of prominent Shia cleric Ayatollah Nimr Baqir al-Nimr, who was 17 when he was arrested in 2012. The UN and the European Parliament have previously asked Riyadh to halt Nimr’s execution as international law prohibits the execution of people under the 18 years of age.
According to Amnesty, 151 people have been executed by Saudi Arabia since the beginning of the year.    
“Saudi Arabia’s macabre spike in executions this year, coupled with the secretive and arbitrary nature of court decisions and executions in the kingdom, leave us no option but to take these latest warning signs very seriously,” said Lynch. 

Saturday, November 28, 2015

BBC journalist comes clean, says “trust nothing you read or watch”

BBC journalist comes clean, says “trust nothing you read or watch”
A BBC journalist, John Darvall, has lambasted his own career at the BBC. The insensitive way the tragic death of his daughter, Polly, has been handled by several outlets led him to lay bare his thoughts about the BBC and the British media industry as a whole, in a heartfelt blog post.
The BBC itself misreported specific information about his family, furthering their grief.
This poor piece of journalism made Tuesday probably the worst day of this whole episode so far.
This provoked wider criticism of traditional media from Darvall.
This week TV and newspapers have proven to me why they are not the future of news.
Darvall then hailed the internet as the bastion of real media.
The internet allows us to come to our own conclusions by checking our own facts. We really can’t trust the traditional outlets to do it right or properly.
He specified social media as the future of of news.
If they can’t even get their facts right, be trusted with clear information and then report it accurately is it any wonder that we are all turning to Facebook, Twitter and other internet sources for our news and information?
He said this of his own career:
I am ashamed to be a journalist.
And left us with a piece of advice:
Trust nothing you read or watch.
Can we trust the BBC?
The BBC is the envy of much of the world: a media free from vested interest; free to serve the public for the greater good. We observe the likes of Fox News in the USA and are thankful. A properly informed public is the foundation of any meaningful democracy, and a publicly owned media outlet can circumvent the position of the powerful as the ‘gatekeepers’ of information.
This is the concept of the BBC, but the reality is far from it. A major content analysis from Cardiff University reveals the BBC is in fact pro-business and conservative leaning in its coverage, contrary to George Osborne’s claims that the BBC has an ‘anti-business’ slant.
The study found that on BBC News at Six, business representatives outnumbered trade union spokespersons by a ratio of more than 5-to-1 in 2007, and of 19-to-1 in 2012. Research into the BBC coverage of the 2008 financial crisis revealed similar pro-business sentiment. Opinion was almost completely dominated by investment bankers, stockbrokers and other city voices.
Not only does the corporation give disproportionate voice to big business, but it gives Tories more airtime than Labour. When Gordon Brown was in power in 2007, his coverage exceeded that of David Cameron by a ratio of 2-to-1. This is to be expected: the current Prime Minister will get more airtime. But, in 2012 Cameron’s coverage exceeded that of Ed Miliband by double that ratio (4-to-1).
One might say Labour’s reluctance to put Miliband front and centre is the reason for this. However, the study found much the same disparity when comparing cabinet members and ministers to their counterparts in the shadow cabinet. Under a Conservative government in 2012, coverage of Tory ministers exceeded that of their Labour counterparts, again by more than 4-to-1. Meanwhile, under the 2007 Labour government, Labour ministers’ exceeded that of their Conservative counterparts, again by only 2-to-1. Factoring in who is presently in power, the Tories still get double the airtime Labour do.
A root cause of this is the way members of the BBC Trust are selected. The BBC Trust is the body that governs and regulates the corporation. Currently, the monarch appoints BBC Trust members on the advice of government ministers. This has led to a public service run by people with strong business and political affiliation.
Rona Fairhead was made Chairwoman of the BBC Trust on the recommendation of former Conservative culture secretary Sajid Javid. She serves on the board of directors of several large corporations, including PepsiCo and HSBC. She is also the business ambassador for the UK Trade and Investment governing body.
The Vice-Chairwoman, Diane Coyle, sits on the advisory panel for EDF and is managing director of ‘Enlightenment Economics’, an economic consultancy for large corporate clients, such as Vodaphone.
The presenter for the BBC’s flagship political programme Daily Politics is Andrew Neil, chairman of the conservative news outlet ‘The Spectator’ and publisher of London global business magazine, ‘The Business’.
The business editor is Kamal Ahmed of the right-wing Sunday Telegraph, who was rebuked by the Guardian’s Nick Davies for ‘banging the war drums’ over the invasion of Iraq.
We might avoid such disproportionate coverage were the regulatory body not spearheaded by tycoons. While they may not actively seek to advance a particular agenda, they are predisposed to the ideology behind their affiliations.
The BBC is worth fighting for. The concept is incredible, but it needs huge reform. The government should not simply dictate who sits on the regulatory body. The BBC Trust should be representative of the public it is supposed to serve, not the vested interest it is supposed to bypass.
When Darvall tells us to trust nothing we read in the media, his advice penetrates even the BBC, which is often considered the global standard of honest journalism.