Former mayor of London Ken Livingstone (AFP photo)The UK’s Labour Party has
suspended Ken Livingstone, the former mayor of London, over bringing up
the issue of Israeli war crimes and stating that Adolf Hitler was a
supporter of Zionism.
A spokesperson for the party said
Thursday that Livingstone was “pending an investigation, for bringing
the party into disrepute.”
The decision to suspend the veteran
member, who has led the party twice, came after Livingstone gave an
interview to BBC earlier on Thursday, censuring the British media for
ignoring Israeli war crimes against the Palestinian people.
one stark fact that virtually no one in the British media ever reports,
in almost all these conflicts the death toll is usually between 60 and
100 Palestinians killed for every Israeli. Now, any other country doing
that would be accused of war crimes but it’s like we have a double
standard about the policies of the Israeli government,” he said.
also defended Naz Shah, a member of the British Parliament who recently
resigned after being forced to apologize for backing calls for Israel
to “relocate” to the United States.
In early July 2014, Israel
waged a devastating war on the Gaza Strip. The 50-day offensive claimed
the lives of nearly 2,200 Palestinians, including 577 children.
becoming an MP in May 2015, Shah shared a graphic showing the outline
of the occupied territories superimposed onto a US map with the comment
“problem solved.”
The graphic said the relocation would be a
“solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict,” and that it would allow the
Palestinian people to “get their life and their land back.”
completely over the top but it’s not anti-Semitism,” Livingstone said
in Shah’s defense. “Let’s remember when Hitler won his election in 1932,
his policy then was that Jews should be moved to Israel. He was
supporting Zionism.”
“The simple fact in all of this is that Naz
made these comments at a time when there was another brutal Israeli
attack on the Palestinians,” he added. Party’s reaction
leader and a long time friend of Livingstone, Jeremy Corbyn, who made
the call for Livingstone’s suspension denied that his party is in
“crisis” following the latest developments.
He also argued that
some of the criticism he is getting is coming from people worried about
Labour’s strength at grassroots level.
Labour MP John Mann also
showed a strong reaction to Livingstone’s comments and called him “a
lying racist” and a “Nazi apologist.
The White House has signaled readiness to boost military aid to
Israel to a historic high, after a letter signed by 83 Senators
advocated for the increase.
Aid to Israel currently accounts for more than half the total US military aid budget.
between US President Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu have been frosty in recent years. Netanyahu canceled his
planned trip to the US last month and said he intended to negotiate the
increase with the next US president, according to the Times of Israel.
Now, however, the Obama administration is saying it is willing to boost
military aid to Israel to historically unprecedented levels.
are prepared to sign an MOU [memorandum of understanding] with Israel
that would constitute the largest single pledge of military assistance
to any country in US history,” a White House official told Reuters on
Earlier in the day, 83 US Senators – 51 republicans and
32 Democrats – sent a letter to the White House urging an increase in
aid. The effort was spearheaded by South Carolina Republican Lindsey Graham and Delaware Democrat Chris Coons.
light of Israel's dramatically rising defense challenges, we stand
ready to support a substantially enhanced new long-term agreement to
help provide Israel the resources it requires to defend itself and
preserve its qualitative military edge,” the letter said.
Among the Senators who signed the letter were Texas Republican and presidential contender Ted Cruz and Massachusetts Democrat Elizabeth Warren.
Vermont’s Bernie Sanders, who is challenging Hillary Clinton for the
Democratic presidential nomination, was notably absent from the list of
Graham, chairman of the Senate’s Subcommittee on
State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs offered one possible
explanation for Washington’s sudden eagerness to discuss the current aid
arrangement, which expires in 2018.
“We’ll have more money this
year than potentially next year, because sequestration kicks back in,”
he told Times of Israel last month, referring to spending cuts the US
government adopted in 2013.
Under the current aid arrangement,
Israel receives $3.1 billion a year – almost 53 percent of the $5.9
billion in official foreign military aid handed out by Washington. This
deal is set to expire in 2018, however, and Israel has been pushing for
an increase to $5 billion.
Following the nuclear deal with Iran
in July 2015 – which Netanyahu has vehemently opposed – Washington
offered to boost the amount of military aid to Israel to $4.5 billion a
Among the programs funded by the US military aid are
missile defense systems such as ‘David’s Sling’ and ‘Iron Dome,’
intended to deal with short- to medium-range missiles, as well as the
high-altitude ‘Arrow 3’ interceptors.
Russia will never allow the loss of its own sovereignty, Russian
President Vladimir Putin said on Monday at the forum of the All-Russia
People's Front.
"If we agreed and said yes [to other countries], we would be good for
everyone. However, we would gradually lose our significance, and the
next step after losing the significance, I think, would be the
irreparable loss of our sovereignty and loss of future prospects," Putin
said adding that "we will never allow that."
"Not many [countries] want such an independent, effective player
that knows his own worth and is capable of stating them. They will try
to bring him down a little, put him in his place," he noted.
"We do not ask anyone for anything, apart from what belongs to us. And we are ready to look for compromise," he stressed. "We understand that the world does not consist of only our interests, and others have their own interests," he added.
Putin said all partners should take into account each others' interests in order to reach harmony in the world.
He added that he is used to informational attacks. In this regard, he
reminded about similar attacks during the crisis in the North Caucasus.
"There is nothing new for me here," he noted. "This is the reaction of
our opponents - let's call them that - to strengthening of the country,"
he concluded.
The U.S. admits that the upcoming Aleppo offensive by the Syrian government and its allies is designed to hit al-Qaeda
and associated terrorist forces and not primarily the "moderate"
unicorns the U.S. propaganda blushes about. But the openly
U.S.-supported forces will also be hit as they are very much integrated with al-Qaeda. The U.S. has for long considered al-Qaeda a secret ally in its attempt to destroy the Syrian state. The French magazine L'Orient Le Jour sees the U.S. relation with al-Qaeda in Syria as part of the attrition strategy the U.S. is waging against Syria (and Russia).
Secretary of State Kerry tried to convince the Russians that al-Qaeda should not be attacked
during the cessation of hostilities. But the Russian's did not agree.
Al-Qaeda is a UN-recognized international terrorist organization which,
under UNSC resolutions, must be fought. The U.S. only succeeded in downgrading the permanent ceasefire the Russians had preferred to into a temporary cessation hostilities. It thought to use the time to rearm and to regroup its proxy forces.
But then things went wrong. An offensive along the Turkish
border to push away the Islamic State and to seal the border between the
Islamic State and Turkey failed. Al-Qaeda convinced other groups,
including directly U.S.-supported CIA assets, to prematurely attack Syrian government forces south of Aleppo on Tal el-Eis. The attack made only little progress before it was stopped.
Now al-Qaeda and the U.S. proxies are heavily targeting the government-held western parts of Aleppo city:
Elijah J. Magnier @EjmAlrai 13h13 hours ago
#Aleppo observed the most violent day in d history of d war in #Syria causing 21 killed & 95 wounded. Every single street was hit by rebels+
Since the announcement of the cease-fire, over 492 killed & wounded
were registered in the only 2 hospitals in regime held area in #Aleppo.
Rebels hell bombs fell on all streets w/o exception while a group of
rebels were trying 2infiltrate d city in West #Aleppo, trapped n sewage
Elijah J. Magnier @EjmAlrai 2h2 hours ago
17 killed and 92 wounded in #Aleppo regime controlled area today following rebels Hell cannon bombing. #Syria.
These attacks on the population are designed to bait the Syrian
government forces into an immediate all-out attack into the al-Qaeda
held parts of Aleppo city. I doubt that they will fall for it. The response for now will be more intense bombing in preparation for a well-thought-out attack later on.
Kerry recently again tried to convince the Russian government of partitioning Syria into "zones of interest". This would shield terrorist forces from further Syrian and Russian attacks:
"We've even proposed drawing a line, an absolute line, and saying, 'You
don't go over there, we don't go over here, and anything in between is
fair game.' And they are considering that, and I think we will get there
in the next week or so."
The rather harsh public response to that Kerry nonsense came in today:
MFA Russia @mfa_russia
#Lavrov: Splitting Syria into zones of influence is a simplistic idea; the main objective must be to route terrorism @mod_russia @RussiaUN
#Lavrov: US has not fulfilled its promise made two months ago to move "good opposition forces" away from the terrorist front lines in Syria
#Lavrov: The US State Dept. may shy away from cooperation with Russia,
but there is no place for shyness in the fight against terrorism
#Lavrov: The UNSC declared Jabhat al-Nusra a terrorist group. Those who
want to distance themselves from this group should do so physically
Translation: Get your proxies out of the way or they will get hurt badly.
The Syrian government and its allies are convinced that they can beat
al-Qaeda and its various associates on the battle field. They are
preparing a large attack against al-Qaeda and anyone nearby. There is little the U.S. can do to help the designated terrorists of al-Nusra in west Syria. But it continues its attempts to split Syria by inserting
more of its special forces into northeast Syria. These and their
Kurdish proxy fighters have the task to take as much of eastern Syria
from the Islamic State and others as possible before the Syrian
government forces can do so. The thinking is that any captured town will
be an asset in future negotiations. It will be interesting to see how
the Syrian government and its allies will counter that move.
UN refers to Israel as an occupying power. Israel deems this vicious. UN deems it truth
The language of a UNESCO resolution on Jerusalem describing "so-called" Jewish sites and putting the Western Wall Plaza in quotation marks has sparked outrage in Israel.
The resolution, adopted by the United Nations cultural agency's 58-nation executive board last week, condemns the Israeli government's stewardship of Jerusalem and decries the renovation of "so-called Jewish ritual baths" and the alleged creation of "Jewish fake graves".
Sites are either referred to by their Arabic or English names, or, in
the case of the Western Wall Plaza, the holiest site where Jews can
pray, are put in quotation marks.
The Western Wall is in East Jerusalem's historic Old City, which was occupied by Israel
along with the rest of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip during the 1967
Middle East war, though Israel's parliament, the Knesset, passed the
Jerusalem Law, which in 1980 declared the city "complete and united".
However, the vast majority of the international community -
including the United States, the European Union and the UN - do not
recognise Israel's claims to sovereignty over East Jerusalem.
The Israeli government described the resolution, which was voted for by
33 countries, as "hideous" and penned letters to all countries that
signed the resolution, which included France, Russia and China.
"The UNESCO resolution has no practical validity. Nevertheless, we will not permit international entities to blur the Jewish people's connection to its eternal capital," Dore Gold, director general of the country's foreign ministry said in a statement on Thursday.
Comment: Israel, instead, is the one blurring the Jewish people's connection.
The United Kingdom and the US abstained from the vote.
Comment: If you are going to lie to the
world, kill the innocent, rob others of their land, bomb the hell out of
their neighborhoods, infiltrate, manipulate and blackmail
governments...a few quote marks shouldn't bother you. Israel is way past
being able to "manage its perception," and a wiser world is way past
its "willingness to believe it."
A programme director of Swedish TV4 television
network said in a statement that the Turkish embassy called for the
broadcaster to withdraw a film about the genocide of Assyrians,
Armenians and other ethnic minorities in the Ottoman Empire during the
World War I.
The broadcaster showed a documentary entitled "Seyfo 1915 — The Assyrian Genocide,"
on Sunday. Seyfo is a term that is used to describe mass killings of
the Assyrian population in the Ottoman Empire that took place during the
World War I alongside with the genocide of other ethnic groups, such as
"Turkish embassy [to Sweden] has tried to exert pressure on TV4
to stop a documentary. They urged us to 'reconsider our decision' to
broadcast the 'Seyfo 1915 — The Assyrian Genocide' in the evening,"
Viveka Hansson said in a statement published on Sunday. She added that the TV channel would never accept such demands and would protest against attempts to bring pressure on freedom of expression.
During and after World War I, the Ottoman government ordered a series of mass killings and starvation against the country's minorities,
such as Assyrians, Armenians and Greeks. Turkey refuses to recognize
the massacre as genocide, claiming that Turkish nationals were also
Turkey's attempts to impose restrictions on freedom of speech both within the country and abroad,
have previously been criticized by the international community,
including the United Nations, the United States, the European Union,
Russia and the organization Reporters Without Borders (RSF). Turkey ranks 151th out of 180 countries in the RSF 2016 press freedom index.
Comment: Turkey's war with journalists and
media has spilled over onto the rights and privilege of other countries.
There is no way to rewrite history and no lessons to be learned if it
is ignored or erased. Turkey should watch this film!
Between 500 and 700 Palestinian children are prosecuted in Israel's military courts each year, says rights group.
More than 100 Palestinian children in Israeli prisons are aged between 12 and 15 [Getty Images]
Story highlights
75% of children report assault during detention
In 97% of interrogations, no parent or lawyer was present
440 children are in military detention - the highest on record
Between 500-700 children are prosecuted in Israeli military courts per year
Jerusalem - A
jabbing pain in his shoulder and thigh roused Obada from his sleep at
3am. In the half-light, the 15-year-old could make out eight masked men
surrounding his bed, their rifles pointed at him.
"I felt terrified," he said of the experience of being arrested in
February from his home in the village of al-Araqa, near Jenin in the
northern West Bank.
Obada is one of more than 100 Palestinian children who, in recent
months, have found themselves dragged from bed at gunpoint in the middle
of the night by Israeli soldiers, according to children's right groups.
Testimonies like Obada's feature in a new report,
No Way to Treat a Child, compiled by Defence for Children International
- Palestine (DCIP), a group monitoring Israeli violations of
Palestinian children's rights.
The 440 children currently in military detention are the highest total since the Israeli army started issuing figures in 2008 - and more than double the number detained this time last year.
The rights group says that, despite promises two years ago from the
Israeli army to phase out night raids following international
condemnation, in practice, they are used as routinely as ever. READ MORE: Oz - Israel's prison for Palestinian children
During his arrest, Obada said he was hit with a rifle butt,
blindfolded and his hands tied with a plastic cord that cut into his
flesh. "The soldiers dragged me out of the house without allowing me to
say goodbye to my family and without telling me why and where they were
taking me," he said.
The goal is to terrify the population so that they will submit and not resist the occupation.
Ivan Karakashian, DCIP
Over the next fortnight, according to Obada, he was repeatedly
beaten. Indignities included being locked overnight in a small toilet
cubicle and assaulted with a taser when he protested.
For 12 days, his only break from solitary confinement was to be taken
from his cell to an interrogation room where he was tied tightly to a
chair, slapped and threatened.
He was repeatedly questioned about his ties to two school friends, Nihad and Fuad Waked, who had been killed a few days earlier during an attack on soldiers.
Obada's account of his arrest and detention accord with a pattern of
abuse similar to other children's testimonies, said Ivan Karakashian of
Three-quarters of children reported being physically assaulted during
their detention. In nearly 90 percent of cases, parents had no idea
where their child had been taken, and in 97 percent of interrogations,
no parent or lawyer was allowed to be present.
Some 60 percent of children were then transferred to prisons in
Israel, in violation of international law, where, typically, they waited
three months for their first family visit, as relatives struggled to
get entry permits to Israel. Such abuses contrast strongly with the
rights guaranteed to children both in Israel and in the Jewish
settlements in the occupied territories.
Karakashian told Al Jazeera that "the goal [of the detentions] is to
terrify the population so that they will submit and not resist the
DCIP said it was alarmed not only by the rapid rise in the number of
arrests since last October, but by the growing number of young children
being locked up. More than 100 of those currently in prison are aged
between 12 and 15.
Israeli army under fire over arrests of Palestinian children
This month, a military court sentenced a 13-year-old girl from Beit
Fajjar, near Hebron, to four and a half months detention after she
allegedly approached a military checkpoint holding a knife.
Following strenuous criticism, Israeli authorities released the
youngest prisoner in an Israeli jail, 12-year-old D* al-Wawi, on Sunday,
two months before her four and a half month sentence finished.
The dramatic increase in arrests has coincided with a surge of
attacks and protests by Palestinians in the occupied territories since
last October. Most Palestinian children in detention are convicted of
throwing stones. In addition to a jail sentence, each is given a
suspended sentence, usually of several years, that is activated if they
are rearrested. About 90 percent also receive a fine.
Karakashian said that in recent months military courts had been
increasing all three components of the children's sentences. "Many
families cannot afford to pay the fine, so the children have to serve a
longer sentence in lieu," he told Al Jazeera.
"And the suspended sentence is like a sword hanging over their heads.
Many are afraid to leave the house or go to school for fear that they
will be arrested at a checkpoint and sent back to detention."
"They can end up under a self-imposed house arrest for years after their release."
The new report
is likely to embarrass Israel after it only narrowly avoided inclusion
last year in a United Nations "shame list" of serious violators of
children's rights. UN agencies had been especially disturbed by the 500
children killed and thousands wounded in Israel's 2014 attack on Gaza,
Operation Protective Edge.
This year's report is due to be issued in the coming weeks by the
office of the UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon. Israel ratified the UN
Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1991. But a 2013 report
by UNICEF, the UN children's agency, concluded that abuses of
Palestinian minors in military detention were "widespread, systematic
and institutionalised".
A year earlier, Israel was harshly criticised
in a report by a British government-backed delegation of lawyers.
Catherine Weibel, a spokeswoman for UNICEF in Jerusalem, told Al Jazeera
the agency was in a "continuing dialogue" with the Israeli army in an
effort to improve the military detention procedure for children.
Israel is the only country in the world, according to DCIP, that
"systematically prosecutes between 500 and 700 children in military
courts each year".
The Israeli army had been unnerved by the mounting bad publicity,
said Gerard Horton, of Military Court Watch, which monitors abuses of
children in detention.
An army debriefing paper,
released in 2014 under a Freedom of Information request, noted that
evidence of abuses to children "may inflict real harm on the legitimacy
of Israel and its actions in the area".
That year the army promised to end both night raids and the
blindfolding of minors, and to inform parents where their child was
being held and record interrogations.
Karakashian said changes since had been little more than "cosmetic".
During the arrest process, 86 percent of children reported being
blindfolded; 70 percent said they were strip-searched, in some cases
many times; and 84 percent were not informed of their rights.
During interrogation, 29 percent of children said they were subjected
to verbal abuse and intimidation, including threats of physical or
sexual assault or arrest of family members.
Some 28 percent reported "position abuse" - usually being bound to a
low chair to cause great discomfort. A similar number said they had been
physically abused, usually slapped, kicked or pushed. A smaller number
reported being choked, punched or having their head hit against a wall.
Promises to record interrogations were effectively voided, said
Horton, because they did not apply in security cases - including
stone-throwing, the charge faced by the vast majority of Palestinian
He said: "The reforms are all smoke and mirrors to get the Europeans and UN off the Israeli army's back."
DCIP found that 40 percent of arrests still occurred between midnight
and 5am. "Even when a summons is issued for a child to report to a
police station the next morning, it is usually delivered in a raid in
the early hours of the morning," said Karakashian. "That is still a
traumatic experience for the family."
"The aim is to frighten and intimidate Palestinian communities,
especially those organising regular protests or that are located near
The Israeli army was not available for comment.
Horton said that in recent months, the Israeli army appeared to have
abandoned the public relations battle."I think the army realised it's a
losing battle, unless they really change their approach - and they can't
do that."
Horton said the aim of the terrorising the children was to ensure
quiet for the settlements. "Child detention is a settlement issue," he
explains, adding that youngsters at friction points near settlements
have to be regularly intimidated in order to protect 400,000 Israeli
settlers living in the West Bank.
Some jaw-dropping info. courtesy of Archangel Michael via Christine
Preston reposted below… sounds like AAM is referring to Putin eh? Putin
works with Ashtar Command…nice….
Sounds like we have the power, not the elite… it is a matter of
realization, so share this message widely, and help each other activate
the tubes of light and solar rings. The original Putin may have died a while ago, in the cloning phase; his ex-wife says he died a while ago.
Russia is not part of the great Conspiracy
of darkness of the Elite. The Russians have fought their wars of
freedom and overcome the demons of their anterior political system. It
is not that everything is perfect in President Putin’s government, but
there is no self serving agenda representing an obstacle to the
manifestation of the Divine Will on Earth, as there is in the Western
countries. This is because Russia has already been led and influenced by
a Galactic Walk-In for a few years. This Walk-In is conscious of his
connection with Ashtar Command. I am permitted to make this revelation.
One country never was better than the other one in the so-called Cold
War. Understand that the War has always been one of the Dark attacking
the Light in the sons and daughters of God called lightbearers,
lightworkers, or boots on the ground, or Star seeds, in every nation.
The Secret occult government of the world is the one that pulls the
strings of the Illuminati Elite and of the elected governments. The
deluded members of the Elite and Military have entered into an Alliance
with negative entities to obtain superior technology in the era of World
War II and as a result have been in possession of undisclosed
sophisticated technology for many decades but have not disclosed this
fact, nor shared its possible benefits with mankind because they had an
Agenda of global control. Although the spiritual Hierarchy together with
its Galactic fleets have recently regained control of the Earth and the
Solar System, and negative aliens have been removed for the most part,
the Elite and its military arm, the Cabal, have maintained one foot in
one country, and the other in the enemy they have created to carry out
terrorist deeds. That is the reality of the situation if you want the
big picture. The Illuminati is occult and Satanist. They have taken
decades to implement their strategies of darkness. They have
master-minded a plan involving political manoeuvres to cause chaos in
the Middle-East as well as Western countries, as part of their agenda of
control, and we, the spiritual gardians and mentors of mankind, are
letting them do this because this situation has to unfold so that the
people awaken, react to atrocities, and take a stand to obtain change.
The clear-up that has to be achieved must be carried out by the
incarnated ones who have freewill to do so. This cannot be done by your
Galactic cousins or Star kin, for instance, because of the law of
non-interference. This is the time of the Harvest when souls are
choosing whether they want to walk the path of Righteousness or not. If
they chose the left one, it will keep them in the world of duality and a
3rd dimensional Reality. The way you perceive what is happening in the
world due to the way world events are presented in the Media, may make
you feel that the global situation is worsening. It may be what the
occult Elite wants you to believe as they still control most of the
media. Beware the propaganda that is designed for control and to cause
fears. The angle presented in Alcyon Pleiades’ videos is reliable. Be
aware that there is no Global Warming crisis. It has been disclosed that
they want to prevent the Third World from becoming prosperous and that
Africa is three times larger than it is represented on the national
maps. The scientific dissemination of knowledge is inaccurate from
Darwin’s theory of evolution to Genetics and Physics. It has been
exposed, that the conspiracies have plans for policies that would be
lucrative, so follow the money. However, they have spent trillions of
dollars on chemical trails and geo-engineering for purposes that have
not been fully exposed, and that are not related to Global Warming.
Political Analysts have said that I S I L or ISIS is the product of a
Western conspiracy and received funding from the West, although it is
much more complicated than that. HOWEVER, a development into a Third
World War can’t be allowed and most nuclear weapons have been
deactivated, or actually taken away. Yes, as in ‘beamed up’! There is a
spin in this timeline that the occult powers may not be expecting, or
are dismissing: it’s Disclosure. They are surprised that it is happening
and is out of their control. They are presently being exposed for what
they are and are doing. It’s happening now. This phase will reach a peak
at which it can only explode in all directions in the mainstream media.
Some people in position of authority can still open their eyes and
realize that this Agenda of the Elite force is self-serving and
destructive for the world. The subject of the suppression of Truth in
regards to the Extraterrestrial presence, is the explosive that will set
Disclosure in motion towards an understanding of what has really been
going on. It will eventually set it all in the context of Galactic
History, its alien take-over as well as the world’s liberation by the
intervention of our Galactic families, as well as the Spiritual
Hierarchy of the Solar System. The next step in man kind’s re-education
will be on the subject of the existence of higher dimensions, although
the ideas are already present in Science and science fiction. A
connection will be made between them and the Heaven of religious
scriptures. People will discover that the human family’s DNA has been
manipulated by geneticists many thousands of years ago. So the fact that
people should not even have to die after such a short lifespan, never
mind get afflicted by diseases, will represent a great new hope. The
fact that the Solar System is moving through a part of the Galaxy in
which Photonic Light is very intense, and causing an Awakening, leading
to a recovery of full consciousness in people, will be understood, and
this will begin to happen within a few months and will expand. A change
is on the horizon of Destiny. We are about to enter a phase of
Transition, as you know. The worst among the recalcitrant ones will
eventually be taken away, though Gaia loves them as she loves all her
children, and is reluctant to give up. She is however on the verge of
having to let them go, for the freedom of the many must be restored.
The Lightworkers already are experiencing
more than fleeting moments upon the lower levels of the 5th Dimension in
their consciousness. Some are firmly established upon it, but for the
most part mankind is passing through the 4th Dimension. It is not by
coincidence that it is at this time that they are experiencing the
effects of the Elite’s desperate attempts to increase their tyrannical
control of the world, by all manners of political moves. They have funds
for doing so as they own the financial Institutions. They want to play a
few more cards. They may attempt to claim that the Galactics are a
threat when their suppression of truths is exposed concerning the
Extraterrestrial presence. They have holographic technology at their
disposition and could use it to present a false scenario of invasion.
However, Disclosure will uplift mankind upon the ladder of the
dimensions and frequency vibration, because information is Light and
vice versa. So you see, that is why Disclosure plays a major part in the
Ascension process.
The Aurora Borealis are now visible in
parts of the world where they were not before, because of
electromagnetic changes taking place due to the irradiation of the
planet by photonic light. As regard to the threat of Robotic Control,
the question of transhumanism and whether the occult satanic powers will
attempt to steal the human DNA for supreme power, do not forget that
billions of Star seeds and Galactic beings, as well as Ascended Masters,
now have incarnated in human bodies. They are holding the balance of
Light and will render these evil forces powerless by transforming all
systems. The Elite is in fact fearfull of them though they possess
sophisticated undisclosed technology. Their malevolent tactics will lead
them nowhere. They already have robots that look perfectly human but
understand that the forces of the Light are very active and actively
opposing these malevolent forces in the measure permitted by Cosmic Law.
It is the way that they operate in the higher dimensions. Whether
biotechnology could be applied to medical use and whether the occult
rulers plan a scenario similar to the one in the movie The Terminator,
the answer is that as with the matter of alien implants, nanotechnology
will not pass when people physically move into the higher or even middle
levels of the 5th Dimension. The killer robot was unleashed from
Pandora Box on Maldek, and artificial intelligence is as dangerous as
nuclear power or weaponry.
As to the zealots who will blow themselves
up because of their fanatical nature, they are lured into
self-annihilation by the false hierarchies of the astral plane,
sometimes called the bottomless pit. There is a record of the original
Fall of certain entities called Nephilim, or Fallen Angels, whose
rebellion against the Almighty was driven by jealousy. It’s in relation
to the Reptilian humanoids. Their rebellion constituted a spiritual
suicide. They acquired densities within them as well as self-destructive
tendencies. Whether on the astral plane as discarnate entities, or in
incarnation, the Illuminati have attempted to draw humanity into their
Cult of Death and Hell for revenge against Life itself and in order to
continue exercising control. The denizens of the pit have preyed upon
the Lightbearers with thoughtforms and psychotronic weapons computerized
by those who originate from Orion and Draco that affect the psyche.
You may call for the cutting free of
mankind from the momentum of suicide, because those recruits of the
Terrorist organizations, who are prepared to detonate bombs that they
are wearing in the midst of innocent citizens, are under the influence
of vortices of malintent.
There also was an Illuminati opposition to
the Constitution, the divine document that was born out of the heart of
Saint Germain. It was his dream that America would be an example for
all nations but an infiltration of dark forces prevented this from
happening. In defiance the dark caused internal weaknesses so Justice
and Freedom have not triumphed in recent decades.
You may call the Elohim to overlight every
aspect of the Running for Office, at this time of the coming Elections
in the United States of America. Pray that the Council on Foreign
Relations and Agencies, as well as Pentagon and CIA, may be turned
upside down and shaken up, until beings of the Light are in position of
authority, for it is the time when they awaken and have a change of
heart, or Walk-In advanced souls move into position. Pray that the
elected ones can never pass legislature for programs that are not of the
Light. Demand changes to manifest by the intervention of the Mighty
Blue Eagle from Sirius and the Legions of Mercury of El Morya. Demand
the removal, by the action of the Cosmic Christ, as well as Archangel
Michael’s Legions of the First Ray and Elohim Astrea, of the individuals
in the governments of all nations who are not serving the Light. The
Sacred Fire and Violet Transmuting Flame can also be invoked. Demand the
manifestation of the Plan of Abundant Supply. The blueprint of divine
Destiny will manifest with the descent of the Light Body, as you become
heart, head and hand of your Higher Selves. This multi-dimensional
assistance can be tripled each instant of each hour, until all are
ascended and free in that quantum leap to a 5th dimensional Reality.
I now ask that you may all be enfolded in a
gigantic pillar of pure dazzling White Light so that you magnetize to
you the destiny of America so desired by Saint Germain, as well as the
global peace so desired by Jesus the Christ, Archangel Michael, the
Universal Mother and all of heaven, as well as the lightworkers.
May the great Prophecy for the Earth that
is the manifestation of Divine Will be fulfilled now! Be sealed in the
immaculate design of the timelines leading to Ascension. Awaken in the
knowledge of the all-consuming love which never fails to give Earth her
Freedom now! Let the Truth be revealed in this time of DISCLOSURE.
There is such a thing as the authority of
Mother Mary and the release of Cosmic forces in the Great Central Son.
Mother Mary embodies the presence of the Mother Universal and the Cosmic
Virgin who commands the full force of the Sun behind the sun. The
Cosmic Virgin rescues the Universal Manchild so he appears in the hearts
of the sons and daughters of God. You may invoke her power to devour
the power of the occult tyrannic false hierarchies. The armies of
darkness will crumble! They wil tremble in the cup of their harvest in
the physical octave in a way never seen before. The Mother will step
through the veil in the flesh of her children. Therefore affirm: I AM
Mother Mary, heart, head and hand. I ask for the consecration of every
nation to the heart of Mary. Our burdens can be set aside by her
intercessions. That is why we say ‘Hail Mary, full of grace!’ and ask
that she prays for us, the Lightworkers. Let all receive the awakening
presence of the divine Manchild, higher consciousness. Let the Twin
Pillars of the Twin Flames manifest in the Solar Ring that is the
platform for the Tube of Light, our tool and pathway to the
manifestation of New Gaia, as well as Ascension.
The Flame of Living Truth will transmute
all erroneous concepts and feelings. It will set free. It will manifest
the science of precipitation whereby one can bring into form one’s
perfect health, happiness, and divine plan for one’s families and
communities. This can be manifested as part of the Vision that Saint
Germain, El Morya and the Darjeeling Council hold for the world to
recreate a civilization that is abundant for a time of Transition.
With love and blessings to all, I represent Archangel Michael saying ‘I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS’.
A piece of the wreckage of the Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 is
presented to the press at the Gilze Rijen Airbase in the Netherlands,
October 13, 2015. (Photo by AFP)
Malaysian Flight MH17, which
went down in eastern Ukraine some two years ago, was shot down by a
Ukrainian fighter jet, not a ground-to-air missile, people claiming to
have witnessed the incident say.
A BBC documentary titled
“The Conspiracy Files: Who Shot Down MH17?” which will be aired on May
3, includes interviews with people who claim to have seen the aircraft
being shot down by a Ukrainian warplane.
German investigative journalist Billy Six talked to 100 eyewitnesses, seven of whom said they saw a warplane.
of them even told me how he saw it launch a missile. It was like a
small line in the sky going into the clouds. Then he heard the big
boom,” Six said.
Another eyewitness, Natasha
Beronina, said, “It was summer, harvest time. We heard a bang. At first
we saw black smoke and two planes. … One flew straight on and the other
one turned round when the bang happened and flew back from where it had
Flight MH17 crashed on July 17, 2014 over Ukraine’s
volatile Donetsk region while en route from the Dutch city of Amsterdam
to the Malaysian capital, Kuala Lumpur. All 298 passengers and crew on
board the plane were killed.
Almost two years into the incident, the circumstances under which it happened remain undetermined.
and Western powers have been accusing Moscow of having been involved in
the downing of the plane, arguing that it was shot down by a
Russian-made BUK missile fired from the town of Snizhne, which is
controlled by pro-Russia forces in eastern Ukraine. Russia has denied
any involvement in the deadly incident.
Following the disaster,
Russian media reported the name of a pilot they said was responsible for
shooting the plane down, identifying him as Captain Vladislav Voloshin
and saying that he is based at a southern Ukraine airfield. Voloshin,
however, has denied the allegation. A
picture taken on July 26, 2014 shows flowers left by the parents of an
Australian passenger on the wreckage of the Malaysia Airlines MH17 near
the Ukrainian village of Hrabove in the Donetsk region. (Photo by AFP)‘CIA-backed operation’
BBC documentary also explores another hypothesis: that the shooting
down of the jet was a CIA plot that sought to pin blame on Russia.
investigator Sergey Sokolov deployed more than 100 of his agents to
investigate the site of the crash and examine evidence. He said they
found no shrapnel from a Russian missile, adding that he was “sold” a
phone intercept between two CIA agents that implies they masterminded to
plan two bombs on the plane.
“The driving force of the operation
were CIA agents and the Dutch security service also had a part to play
as the bombs were put on the plane in Holland and this couldn’t have
been done anywhere else,” Sokolov said.
“This terrorist act was a
pretext for firstly intensifying sanctions on Russia, secondly to show
the world that Russia is a barbarian country and thirdly to strengthen
the presence of NATO in Europe, particularly Ukraine,” he added.
eastern provinces of Donetsk and Lugansk have witnessed deadly clashes
between pro-Russia forces and the Ukrainian army since Kiev launched
military operations in April 2014 to crush pro-Moscow protests there.
The crisis has left around 9,200 people dead and over 21,000 others injured, according to the United Nations.
Warning: This video contains graphic content - Viewer discretion advised
Hawkkey Davis is back with another video documenting extreme weather,
earth changes, and meteor fireball events from around the world in March
and April 2016.
This series does not mean to suggest that the world is ending, but that
what is happening across the world is leading to bigger 'earth changes'.
If you're following the series, then you're seeing the signs. It's much more than one video; check out previous installments here.
Real Earth Changes have been taken place in recent weeks... Thanks for watching and stay safe... Links are posted here.
Comment: To gain further understanding as to how and why these events are occurring, read:
According to the famous Israeli-born Jazz musician, Gilad
Atzmon, “The ideology that carried out execution-style killings on the
Gaza aid flotilla the ‘Mavi Marmara’ is the same ideology that carried
out the massacres at Deir Yassin, Qibya, Sabra and Shatilla, Qana, Gaza,
Jenin and the murder of Rachel Corrie — more than that it is the same
ideology that killed Christ.”
He continues: “there is no biological, racial or ethnic continuum
between the ancient Israelites and the contemporary Israelis. The attack
on the aid convoy is a continuum of the same ideology that killed
Christ. Christ’s killing is a symbol of a brutal assault against
goodness, in the same way the attack on the aid convoy was against
humanity and compassion.” Speaking to Arab News after the deadly attack
on the aid Flotilla where 9 peace activists were shot dead and around 50
injured Atzmon was scathing against Israel’s actions and demanded that
it should be stripped of its UN membership.
Atzmon is a former Israeli soldier who now lives in London. He is not
only a renowned author and writer but also a famous award-winning jazz
musician. Described as a musical genius he has recorded with the likes
of Robbie Williams, Sinead O Connor, Robert Wyatt Paul McCartney,
Tunisian singer Dhaffer Youssef and countless others.
With a strong presence on and off stage and a disarming smile, Atzmon
has a huge following not only for his music but for being a unique
thinker and philosopher.
Admired for his fearless stance against oppression, he is also at the
forefront of a taboo discourse that many will not venture into out of
fear of being branded anti-Semite; and that is the discourse on the
Jewish identity, Zionism and Israel.
Because of this stance, he has been branded a “Jew self-hater.”
Atzmon smiles: “in fact I correct them ‘I am not only a self-hater but a
proud self- hater.'” The accusations do not deter him as he is quite
vocal about the self-hatred he feels for the Israeli part of him. He
argues: “We are dealing here with a morbid collective that sets itself
against humanity.” He believes the reason why he is at the forefront of
this discourse is because he is more able than others to understand
Israeli mentality because, “I come from them, and I know how they
think.” He himself has studied for many years the issue of the Jewish
identity, and in his talks is often found quoting philosophers like the
Austrian Otto Weininger, Kant, Heidegger, Nietzsche, Lacan, Marx as well
as Eastern philosophers.
He explains: “Israel has violated all international laws, it has
never been held accountable for the countless massacres.” However, he
argues the latest massacre of peace activists on the aid flotilla with
the emerging forensic reports which suggest Israeli execution-style
killings of the 9 peace activists has resulted in shock horror around
the world.
“The remarkable fact is they don’t understand why the world is
beginning to stand against them in the same way they didn’t understand
why the Europeans stood against them in the 1930s. Instead of asking why
we are hated they continue to toss accusations on others.” In his
latest article titled “Jewish Ideology and World Peace,” he argues:
“Within the discourse of Jewish politics and history there is no room
for causality… Within the Jewish tribal discourse every narrative starts
to evolve when Jewish pain establishes itself. …It also explains why
for most Jews the history of the holocaust starts in the gas chambers or
with the rise of the Nazis. I have hardly seen any Israelis or Jews
attempt to understand the circumstances that led to the clear resentment
of Europeans toward their Jewish neighbors in the 1920s-40s.”
Born and brought up as a Zionist in Israel, Atzmon believes it was
his love of music that first opened his eyes to the world. “I was
brought up to believe that Jews were the chosen people and no one was
better than us. Then I discovered jazz and found out that many of the
great jazz musicians were black Afro-Americans. That was the first dent
in the theory of our greatness and as I picked up the stones more truths
began to come out.” At 19, Atzmon was stationed as a soldier to Lebanon
where he saw for the first time thousands of Palestinians living as
refugees. “We were told that the Palestinians had left and gone to other
Arab countries, so when I saw thousands of refugees living without the
basics I realized that we had stolen their land.” Atzmon also witnessed
the atrocities the Israeli Army was committing against the Palestinians;
so as soon as he could, he left the army and left the country for good.
“My studies have shown me that the Jewish identity is foreign to
humanism, it is tribal and has evolved as an outcome of an exilic
culture.” He argues that we can learn a lot about Jewish collective
ideology by looking closely to the biblical “Story of Esther” which he
argues teaches Jews the art of infiltration into politics and
He continues: “This form of infiltration is clearly evident in
America today where the Jewish lobby (AIPAC) dominates the political
discourse. Also in Britain we have the British Jewish lobby, and the
‘Friends of Israel’, we also have people like David Aaronovitch, The
Times columnist and Nick Cohen of The Observer, who advocated for war
with Iraq. Both write for the Jewish papers, are known sympathizers of
Israel and have contributed extensively to the growing Islamophobia in
Britain. Lord Levy, a rabid Zionist was funding the Labour Party when it
went into an illegal war with Iraq which led to over a million Iraqi
He continues: “We have the likes of David Miliband the Labour MP; I
wonder how many people know that he is listed on the Israeli propaganda
site as an Israeli propagandist author. Did you know that under the last
government, when everyone was talking about Israel’s killing of a Hamas
leader in Dubai by using forged British passports, David Miliband was
busy attempting to amend the laws of universal jurisdiction so Israeli
war criminals could enter Britain.”
In his latest article Atzmon writes: “Enough is enough; it is time to
name and shame every Israeli and Zionist infiltrator within political
circles, media and academia.” Maybe it is the soldier in him but there
are not many subjects that Atzmon is not afraid to confront. The biggest
taboo subject today is to question the holocaust. In many European
countries one can be jailed for questioning the numbers killed or to
what extent gas chambers were used? Atzmon however has no fear when he
says: “I do not deny that Jewish suffering took place, I also lost
family in it. However if the established holocaust narrative is true why
do we need laws to protect it?” He continues: “We want a coherent
narrative open to scrutiny. We owe it to ourselves, to history to find
out the truth and I don’t mean the truth through emotionally charged
Hollywood films. Also I reiterate that those involved in an academic and
historic inquiry should not be threatened with law suits and abuse.”
To stop further world conflicts, Atzmon believes that governments
should confront Israel. He argues that unlike the last Labour government
that indulged Israel to continue its brutal assaults, while its leaders
Blair and Brown were honorary patrons of the Jewish National Fund UK,
the new government has to take a stronger stand. “In order to end one of
the most brutal occupations of Gaza we need to ban Israeli aircraft
from British airspace, impose EU trade sanctions against Israel and
strip Israel of its UN membership.” For Atzmon the tide is turning and
humanity which is bound together by human ethics and morals need to
stand together against Israel before it takes us to war with Iran which
according to him “is its next step.”
Sheriff Brad Rogers Indiana – Elkhart County Sheriff Brad Rogers, successfully stood up for
his constituents in a showdown, when the Food and Drug Administration
sent in some federal officials to pester a raw milk and organic food
Sheriff Rogers followed up on a complaint from a local farmer, David
Hochstetler and discovered that he would use his position to side with
them because he saw that there was no justified cause for the obtrusive
inspections that have going on since 2011 around twice a month.
They were searching for a reason to shut down Forest Grove Dairy Farm, so Rogers stepped in and blocked it. Then he started speaking out about it.
The big agriculture backed FDA along with the Department of Justice
(DOJ) started the harassment approximately four years ago just because
the hard-working farmer was producing raw milk and supplying some of the
organic food co-ops. Thankfully, the government’s steady war on small
farmers was halted in this particular case. Sheriff Rogers, authored a
600-word break down of the ordeal for the local newspaper in
his contribution column called “Ask The Sheriff”.
“Specifically, the FDA was inspecting his farm without a warrant as
much as every two weeks. Typical inspections occur annually. The
Department of Justice (DOJ) had subpoenaed him for a grand jury in
Michigan in which he was to bring his production documents. The Feds
wanted to make this farmer an example.”
Rogers continued, “My research concluded that no one was getting sick
from this distribution of this raw milk. It appeared to be harassment
by the FDA and the DOJ, and making unconstitutional searches, in my
opinion. The farmer told me that he no longer wished to cooperate with
the inspections of his property.”
Sheriff Rogers wrote to the DOJ and let them know that he would
take action if the federal inspectors came without a signed warrant
that specified probable cause to give a clear reason why they needed to
conduct their invasive searches:
“I understand that you have made recent requests to (the farmer) for
documents and to appear before a grand jury, and he has had a number of
inspections and attempted inspections on his farm within Elkhart County.
This is notice that any further attempts to inspect this farm without a
warrant signed by a judge, based on probable cause, will result in
federal inspectors’ removal or arrest for trespassing by my officers or
I. In addition, if any further action is taken by the federal government
on (the farmer), while he is in Elkhart County, I will expect that you
or federal authorities contact my office prior to such action. I will
expect you to forward this information to your federal associates,
including the FDA.”
Soon after his email was sent, the farmer got a certified letter in
the mail from the DOJ that notified him that the grand jury subpoena
was now cancelled. “Now, over four years later, the FDA inspectors and
the DOJ, have not returned to the property since I interposed for the
farmer. Some have suggested it was my interposition that caused the feds
to stand down. I have no way of knowing this for sure, but the evidence
would suggest so,” wrote the sheriff.
Rogers exclaimed “Your local elected officials can stem the tide of
federal overreach if they apply just a little backbone in supporting and
defending the Constitution. Expect it! Demand it! Some bloggers and
natural food writers have hailed me as a hero. I’m no hero. I’m just
doing my job.” He added, “Many of our parents/grandparents drank raw
milk and survived. There are risks with raw milk, but careful handling
and storage will mitigate the risk. Many people believe that raw milk is
healthier to drink than the pasteurized version. There is no law in
Indiana that prohibits the distribution of raw milk in this fashion. In
short, I don’t believe the government should be our nanny and telling us
what we can or cannot drink/eat.”
These key actions performed by Sheriff Rogers are right and this is
what the people should expect and receive from their county sheriff’s
and other elected officials.
Rogers came out a few months ago with his firm stance that he would
ignore any and all gun control executive orders. With his solution to
the problem as abolishing gun free zones. He also defended his decision to visit the Bundy Ranch back during the 2014 stand-off with the Bureau of Land Management.
Sheriff’s possess the most power in their home counties and are
locally elected officials that can be a thorn in the side for the
federal automatons that are hell-bent on the encroachment of Freedom.
Blocking the government overreach in this instance can set forth an
example for other sheriff’s to rise up and stand strong for the people
they serve. The ultimate solution of educating the populous on how to
repel the Tyranny can be accelerated with the continued support of these
county bosses.
Sheriff Rogers Facebook page.
The paradigm, as Dane refers to it, feels that the engineered climate is 100 percent malignant. “This
is the most dire and most immediate threat we face short of nuclear
cataclysm, period.” says Dane Wigington from Geoengineering
Dane and I last spoke one year ago and Dane says the biosphere collapse
of planet earth has only gotten far, far worse. From the Great Barrier
Reef to 165 degree temperatures in Iran and Iraq, the ability of earth
to sustain life, is rapidly reaching the point of no return. If we don’t
stop these malevolent Geoengineering and climate modification programs,
we’re dead.
Israeli occupation army on Friday released an Israeli soldier four days
after he had been convicted of murdering a Palestinian youth, Israeli
press reported.
According to the Israeli
Yedioth Aharonot newspaper, the release came so as to allow the soldier
to celebrate the Jewish Passover holiday with his family in al-Ramla
The soldier was received by his
father near an Israeli military camp in Tel Aviv and was transferred to
his family home in al-Ramla, where he was received by a horde of
extremist Israeli settlers.
Four days earlier, the Jaffa
military court convicted the soldier of causing the death of the
Palestinian youth Abdul Fattah al-Sharif in al-Khalil city a few weeks
The soldier opened fire at
al-Sharif while he was bleeding on the ground. Israeli preliminary
investigations proved that the bullet fired by the newly-released
soldier had caused his death.
This article is published with permission, and linked attribution to Brandon Martinez of Non-Aligned Media
Recently the mainstream media has been plastered with headlines exposinghow
Saudi Arabia was instrumental in implementing the attacks on 9/11, and
how it had been “classified” originally only because of Saudi backmail. The recent wave of stories points to the House of Saud as the true architects of 9/11, not Osama Bin Laden and the CIA backed Taliban jihadist fighters hiding in the mountains of Afghanistan.
Allegedly, the reason the government covered the Saudi involvement originally was because of “financial pressure” from the Gulf state. The New York Times ran a story
claiming that the Saudis threatened to sell $750 billion in U.S.
treasury bills if the congress passed the 9/11 bill. The New York Post
published a story headlined “How U.S. covered up Saudi’s role in 9/11”
which lays out the supposed smoking gun evidence that members of the
Saudi regime and royal family bankrolled some of the alleged 9/11
hijackers, 15 of whom were Saudi they now constantly remind us.
At the time of the 9/11 attacks, Saudi prince Al-Waleed Bin Talal bin Abdulaziz al Saud owned 7-9% of News corporation, and was the second-largest voting shareholder in 21st Century Fox. Immediately after the September 11 attacks, Al-Waleed gave a check for $10 million dollars to New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani. In August 2011, Al-Waleed announced that his company had contracted Bin Laden Group to build the tallest building in the world.
This barrage of stories may be designed to shift public scrutiny of 9/11
away from the Neo-conservative/Zionists that controlled the U.S.
government during 9/11, and onto the Saudi Arabian government. Not only
do these stories infer that the Saudi regime sponsored the 9/11 attacks,
but they also implant the idea that the Saudis were responsible for the
U.S. government’s cover-up of what happened. The result is a picture painted in the public’s mind of a dominating Saudi Arabia overpowering a helpless and innocent U.S., while obscuring the evidence of U.S. and Israeli involvement.
Saudi government was sued by thousands of 9/11 victim’s family members
due to the suspicion that Saudi Arabia helped to finance Al Qaeda. The
Saudis hired the law firm of Bush Administration insider James Baker to
defend them in that lawsuit. The 9/11 families’ lawsuit against Saudi
royals was thrown out on a technicality related to the ability to sue a
foreign government and, later, the Obama Administration backed the
Saudis during the appeal.
Saudi rulers – as corrupt, autocratic and reprehensible as they are –
are little more than middle-mangers of the U.S. and Israeli war machine
that has invaded country after country in the middle east following
9/11. Middle-managers cannot organize the biggest conspiracy of the
21st century, hoodwinking the world’s foremost superpower and somehow
managing to get away with it. The Saudi men were ‘patsies’
know that the 15 hijackers who were Saudis, the alleged hijackers,
because they were not on those planes – not one of the 19 hijackers, or
any Arabs, were on any of the four planes, according to the Flight records passenger list, and according to all of the evidence that would be there if they were on the planes, but has not been produced,” said Dr. Kevin Barrett “And all 15 of these guys had that visa.”
short, concise study of Israeli involvement in the 9/11 attacks,
Zionist influence over US foreign policy (particularly the central role
of pro-Israel neoconservatives in dragging the US into the war in Iraq),
the fraud of the post-9/11 “war on terror,” and other Zionist political
intrigues in the 20th and 21st centuries. This book explores the role
of Zionists in helping foment World Wars I and II as a means of
establishing a Jewish state in Palestine, the extensive collusion
between Nazis and Zionists, the hidden history of bloody Bolshevism, and
the fabrications and distortions of official World War II
historiography, designed to advance the victors’ post-war agenda of
re-shaping Europe and the Middle East.
In this video Luke Rudkowski breaks down the real truth behind
the push by the establishment to release the 28 pages. We go over recent
geopolitical moves around the petrodollar and how there is a bigger
play here. The U.S seems to be threatening Saudi Arabia with old
information that everyone was aware of and people need to ask why this
is happening now. Support our work by investing in us on and make sure do the job of the main
stream media better then they ever can.
Related: Former Senator Claims “9/11 Attackers Had Support Within the United States” On CBS Nightly News
Last year we wrote a post explaining what could cause Russia to invade Israel.
At the time, Israel’s Prime Minister had flown to Washington, and was
making a desperate bid to get Obama’s support for Israeli sovereignty
over the Golan Heights.
Only a few weeks earlier a discovery had been made that would serve
to increase tensions on the question of sovereignty over the Golan
– huge oil deposits were found on the Golan Heights, and verified by an
Israeli company.
Yet, weeks later, Benjamin Netanyahu returned to Israel having failed to secure Obamas support.
It wasnt long before the United Nations – including Russia –
condemned Israels “occupation” of the Golan Heights, and around the same
time, Syria asked Russia to develop their oil resources.
Then, over the course of the next 6 months, the Israeli leadership became very concerned about Russian activity near the Golan. Click here for the context of the story thus far.
Now, Debkafile reports the following:
“Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu will visit Moscow on Thursday,
April 21 to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin and to launch the
most important battle of his political career, and one of Israel’s most
decisive contests of the last 10 years: the battle over the future of
the Golan Heights.
DEBKAfile’s intelligence sources and its sources in Moscow report exclusively that Israel’s
top political leaders and military commanders were stunned and shocked
last weekend when they found out that US President Barack Obama and
Russian President Vladimir Putin have agreed to support the return of
the Golan to Syria. The two presidents gave their top
diplomats, Secretary of State John Kerry and Foreign Minister Sergei
Lavrov, the green light to include such a clause in a proposal being
drafted at the Geneva conference on ending the Syrian civil war.
Israel captured the Golan from the Syrian army 49 years ago, during
the Six-Day War in 1967 after the Syrian army invaded Israel.
In 1981, during the tenure of then Prime Minister Menachem Begin,
Israel passed a law defining the Golan as a territory under Israeli
sovereignty. However, it did not state that the area belongs to Israel.
While Israel was preparing for a diplomatic battle over the future of
Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, Obama and Putin decided to deal a
diplomatic blow to Israel and Netanyahu’s government on an unexpected
issue, the Golan.
It is part of an endeavor by the two powers to use their diplomatic
and military cooperation regarding Syria to impose agreements on
neighboring countries, such as Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Jordan.
For example, Washington and Moscow are trying to impose an agreement
regarding the granting of independence to Syrian Kurds, despite Ankara’s
adamant opposition. The two presidents are also pressuring Riyadh and
Amman to accept the continuation of Syrian President Bashar Assad’s
rule, at least for the immediate future.
DEBKAfile’s sources report that just like the other diplomatic or
military steps initiated by Obama and Putin in Syria, such as those for
Assad’s eventual removal from power, the two powers see a resolution of
the Golan issue as a gradual process that may take a long time, perhaps
even years. Butas far as they are concerned, Israel will have to withdraw from the Golan at the end of that process.
It should be noted that Prime Minister Netanyahu is not traveling to
Washington to discuss the Golan issue with Obama. The frequent trips by
the prime minister, senior officials and top IDF brass to Moscow in
recent months show where the winds are blowing in the Middle East.
However, Moscow is not Washington, and Israel has no lobby in the Russian capital defending its interests.
It should be made very clear that the frequent trips by senior
Israeli officials to Moscow have not created an Israeli policy that can
influence Putin or other senior members of the Russian leadership. Putin
has made occasional concessions to Israel on matters of minimal
strategic importance, but on diplomatic and military steps regarding
Syria and Iran he has shown little consideration of Jerusalem’s stance.
It should also be noted that there has been no basis for the
enthusiasm over the Russian intervention in Syria shown by Netanyahu,
Israeli ministers and senior IDF officers.
All of the calls by a number of Russia experts, mainly those of
DEBKAfile, for extreme caution in ties with Putin have fallen on deaf
ears among the political leadership in Jerusalem and the IDF command in
Tel Aviv.
Amid these developments, three regional actors are very pleased by
Washington and Moscow’s agreement to demand Israeli withdrawal from the
Golan: Syrian President Assad, the Iranian leadership in Tehran and
Hizballah leader Hassan Nasrallah.
Now, they do not need to risk a military confrontation with Israel
over the Golan because Obama and Putin have essentially agreed to do the
dirty work for them.
“We Are Talking About An Extinction Level Event.”
The paradigm, as Dane refers to it, feels that the engineered climate is 100 percent malignant.“This is the most dire and most immediate threat we face short of nuclear cataclysm, period.” says Dane Wigington from Geoengineering Dane and I last spoke one year ago and Dane says the biosphere collapse of planet earth has only gotten far, far worse. From the Great Barrier Reef to 165 degree temperatures in Iran and Iraq, the ability of earth to sustain life, is rapidly reaching the point of no return. If we don’t stop these malevolent Geoengineering and climate modification programs, we’re dead.