We know that ISIS has
recently been heavily re-armed, re-equipped and re-inforced, now they
are getting their own airforce, courtesy of the CIA
Indian air force MiG-21
Back in March this year, we reported on a rather shady deal between Croatia and Ukraine where a dozen MiG-21s disappeared. Croatia sent 7 MiG-21s to Ukraine to be refurbished, they were supposed to receive those 7 after refurbishment plus another 5 refurbished to the same standard. What the Croats got was rather different – piles of worn out junk that looked like MiGs but were useless, unable to fly. The Croats investigated and discovered the scam – these were not the MiGs they had sent for refurbishment, they were fakes cobbled together from junk parts taken from scrapped aircraft. One plane had a Bulgarian fuselage, Algerian wings and old fuel tanks from the former Soviet Union.
Which begs the question – what happened to Croatia’s MiGs? They were indeed refurbished in Ukraine but the Croats never saw them again, instead, they were sold on to another customer – the Russian Mafia.
What would the Russian Mafia want with a dozen refurbished MiG-21s? First, we need to recognise who the Russian Mafia actually are – they are 100% Jewish, the direct descendants of the Khazars. The Khazars inhabited what is now southern Ukraine and one of the main cities of their empire was Odessa, the port on the Black Sea that today is Ukraine’s major port. Odessa today is ruled by former president of Georgia, international arms trafficker and close friend of Israel, Mikhail Saakashvili.
Saakashvili was made governor of Odessa in order to oversee a massive smuggling operation that is keeping Islamic State well supplied with weapons, munitions and all the other necessary goods to wage war. The route to ISIS is across the Black Sea to the port of Batumi, which sits just a few miles north of the Georgian-Turkish border. From Batumi, the supplies are trucked into Turkey and then onto IS in the south. This is the fate of that dozen missing MiG-21s – they were crated and shipped from Odessa to Batumi then trucked down to Incirlik air base in southern Turkey.
Three colour schemes used on Syrian MiG-21s
This is where the deception part of the operation comes into play – the Syrian air force is still operating MiG-21s, therefore it is a simple matter to paint those dozen IS MiGs in Syrian colours and have them impersonate the Syrian air force for nefarious purposes.
Syrian Air Force MiG-21 being prepared for a mission inside a hardened concrete hangar
Syrian MiG-21bis outside a hardened hangar
These are very worrying times indeed, especially so from the perspective of the Syrian people who continue to endure the harsh conditions imposed by more than 6 years of war, frequently without electricity or potable water supplies but remaining steadfast in their determination not to give in to the terrorists and militants that plague their nation. We salute their determination but remain conscious of the limits of endurance and continue to work towards ending this awful war.
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