U.S. officials: "Who won?
Putin, the Iranians and Assad. Who lost? We did, and Jordan (where the
CIA trained and armed moderate rebels), especially. The Saudis and Gulf
“Brother Barack, you should have joined me in fighting terrorism in Syria. I told you that I ain’t playing.”
…by Jonas E. Alexis
A number of anonymous U.S. officials have recently lamented that Russia and Assad won the Syrian debacle. In fact, the Syrian terrorists in Aleppo are now talking about surrendering to the Russian forces.[1] This means that terrorist cells such the Syrian rebels and terrorist states such as Saudi Arabia are deteriorating in the region.
This also implies that Israeli regime has received a major defeat, since they were the first terrorist state that was pushing the United States to get involved in a useless war with Assad. One U.S. official declared:
“Who won? Putin, the Iranians and
Assad. Who lost? We did, and Jordan (where the CIA trained and armed
moderate rebels), especially. The Saudis and Gulf states.”[2]
But NWO agents in the U.S. and elsewhere will not give up without a fight. A U.S. official again declares,
“The guys who are going to get out
are going to fight guerrilla-style. They are going to join Nusra … the
Arabs are going to continue to fund the opposition. They are not going
to forget about it just because we have.”[3]
Well, the Syrian terrorists have been fighting guerrilla-style for a
long time. And the CIA and other covert organizations, which spent
millions upon millions of dollars supporting those people,[4] didn’t care about that at all. They only cared about removing Assad from power.Remember when one Syrian rebel/terrorist cut the heart and liver of a dead government soldier and took a bite? The terrorist, who went by the name of Abu Sakkar, even declared:
“I swear to God we will eat your hearts and your livers, you soldiers of Bashar [Assad] the dog.”[5]
Did the West rise up and stop supporting their terrorist brothers then? Did Western politicians begin to question Israel’s motives with respect to removing Assad from power? Did they even start rethinking the ideology of the Israeli regime in the region?No. The only person who stood up and declared that supporting terrorist cells in Syria is dangerous was Vladimir Putin, the man who has been labeled “the New Hitler.” Putin declared then:
“These are people who don’t just
kill their enemies, they open up their bodies, and eat their intestines
in front of the public and the cameras. Are these the people you want
to… supply with weapons?”
Instead of asking the West to stop supporting terrorists like Abu Sakkar, the BBC summoned the stupid idea that Sakkar was probably “mentally disturbed all along”![6]You see, New World Order agents are living in an irrational and essentially diabolical world. Since they are inexorably supporting a terrorist state (Israel) which does not want to abide by the moral and political order and which uses the Talmud as its legal basis,[7] they have to promote chaos and destruction in the name of “democracy” and “freedom.” That’s how they have been destroying one country after another.
Through psychological manipulation, they have convinced the masses that terrorism can be your friend and ally. The Syrian rebels, they tell us repeatedly, are not terrorist groups at all. They are just “moderates.” If they commit war crimes and cut the hearts out of dead bodies,[8] that’s just great. But if Iran and Russia and the Assad government start obliterating those terrorists, that’s bad.
Well, the New World Order argument is getting old—really old. People of reason no longer buy it, and it is one reason why a large section of the U.S. population and even around the world is waking up. This is also one reason why Russia is rising.
[2] Jonathan Landay and Arshad Mohammed, “US officials: The fall of Aleppo would be a win for Russia and a defeat for the US in the Middle East,” Business Insider, December 7, 2016.
[3] Ibid.
[4] See for example “US admits sending ‘lethal aid’ to Syrian rebels,” Russia Today, June 8, 2014; Mark Mazzetti and Matt Apuzzo, “U.S. Relies Heavily on Saudi Money to Support Syrian Rebels,” NY Times, January 23, 2016; “White House requests $500 million to aid Syrian rebels,” Russia Today, June 26, 2014; “Pentagon And CIA Supporting Opposing Syrian Rebel Groups,” Sputnik News, June 14, 2016.
[5] Quoted in Matt Blake, “Syrian rebel ‘cuts out soldier’s heart and EATS it’ in horrific propaganda video,” Daily Mail, May 13, 2013.
[6] “Face-to-face with Abu Sakkar, Syria’s ‘heart-eating cannibal,’” BBC, July 5, 2013.
[7] Marissa Newman, “Netanyahu reported to say legal system based on Talmud,” Times of Israel, May 8, 2014.
[8] See for example Ben Norton, “U.S.-backed Syrian rebels committing war crimes, torture, abductions; imposing harsh Sharia law: Report,” Salon, July 12, 2016; “Syrian rebels may have committed war crimes in Aleppo – Amnesty,” Russia Today, May 13, 2016; “Why the Syrian Rebels May Be Guilty of War Crimes,” Time, September 19, 2012
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