Thursday, November 19, 2015

Anonymous Taught the Internet How to Hack ISIS – 20,000 ISIS Twitter Accounts Destroyed the Next Day

After being called “idiots” by those who behead innocent people to further their cause, the hacker collective Anonymous dealt a huge blow to the terror group ISIS. But this was just the tip of the iceberg.
On Tuesday, the Free Thought Project reported on Anonymous taking down over 5,500 Twitter accounts tied to Islamic State members.
Shortly after this victory, Anonymous published a ‘Guide to Fighting ISIS Online.’
The release of this guide enlisted the talents of amateur hackers worldwide, and the results have been nothing short of phenomenal.
The guide was published in an IRC (internet relay chat) channel by a member of the hacker group. That member released the guide, along with the following message.
“Instead of sitting idle in the [chat] channel or lurking around and doing nothing, you can benefit greatly from the different tools and guides that have been provided to you,”he wrote. “Your contribution means a lot and we encourage you to partake in all of the Op’s activities if you can, the more the merrier.”
The following instructions for finding ISIS related websites were then disseminated across the globe.

Instructions for finding ISIS-related websites

1. Get Python at unless you already have it (Mac does)
2. Open Terminal (or Command Prompt for Windows) and type (without quotes) “python”
3. Now, this step requires a little explanation. Let’s set this out neatly, shall we…
  • Copy the contents of the following link to your clipboard
  • The contents of that link are some search terms that relate to ISIS and their content, allowing you to narrow down the results to specific ones
  • Paste the strings into the Terminal and press Enter
4. Choose a couple of strings (3 recommended) from the list of strings. For this example we will use strings 3+38+46
5. Once chosen, continue in terminal (without quotes) “print(str3+str38+str42)” and copy the results
6. Paste the results in and analyze the new results To translate pages, it is recommended to use Google Chrome, which has integrated translation
7. Submit any valid ones to one of the channel operators and we will deal with the info accordingly
As of Thursday morning, a reported 20,000 terrorist-related accounts were taken down.

To back up their numbers, Anonymous posted a link with the tens of thousands of hacked accounts that can be verified.
It can be found here.
Of course, government trolls are downplaying the effectiveness of the collective’s actions.
“They’re not going to be able to disrupt operations or coordination within the ISIS network,” said Denise Zheng, deputy director and senior fellow for the Strategic Technologies Program at Center for Strategic and International Studies. “It’s much more of an annoyance, really, I think, to them, than anything else.”
Apparently the Center for Strategic and International Studies has yet to realize that Twitter is the most powerful recruiting tool the terrorist group has.
As the US government attempts to ‘fight’ ISIS by stripping its citizens of their rights and privacy, Anonymous is giving a new look to the face of justice – and that look is a Guy Fawkes mask.
Perhaps America and the rest of the United Nations would be more successful fighting this deranged group of sociopaths if they would stop being so reluctant, and take a look inside their own ranks.
As the Free Thought Project reported on Monday, Russian President Vladimir Putin revealed many members of the G20 to actually be aiding ISIS.
In fact, the US has an incentive to look the other way in regards to Pro-ISIS Twitter accounts, as most of them originate from their devout and murderous ally — Saudi Arabia.

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