Sunday, November 22, 2015

Government Agrees to Lessen Water Fluoridation – Why Not Ban It?

I recently came across an article that announced the government admits to excess water fluoridation and will reduce allowable amounts on fluoridating public drinking water facilities. USA deputy surgeon general Dr. Boris Lushniak announced the limit for fluoridation will be .7 milligrams per liter instead of the slightly more liberal .7 to 1.2 milligrams per liter.
Lushniak explained that Americans may be getting too much fluoride now that there are so many toothpaste products that contain fluorides. That logic was a response to the rapid rise of dental fluorosis [pictured] cases that have popped up recently. It appears on the teeth as barely noticeable white spots in mild forms to permanent staining and pitting in the more severe forms.
This was hailed by some anti-fluoride folks as a victory of sorts. But while finally recognizing that fluoride causes dental problems, anything short of totally banning it from being deposited into our drinking and bathing water supplies is just not enough.
Read: Top Cancer Researchers, Harvard, EPA Agree: Fluoride Causes Tumors, Lowers IQ

Why Fluoridating Water Should Be Totally Banned

Not long ago, a Chinese study concluded that low dose sodium fluoride in drinking water diminishes IQ, especially among children. This is the twenty-fourth such international study with the same conclusion. Sodium fluoride has also been linked to reduced fertility and lower sperm counts.
Other health issues arise from the basic function of sodium fluoride’s ability to block thyroid production. It was once used to inhibit hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid). So if your thyroid is normal, it will be reduced to hypothyroidism (under-active thyroid), which leads to a plethora of health problems.
Sodium fluoride is accumulated and stored by bone matter, displacing calcium and weakening pinealbones. The pineal gland sucks up even more of the stuff that is being put in almost 70% of the USA water supply while independent scientific research and public protest is disregarded.

Here’s a simplified breakdown of fluorides main health issues:

X-Ray of legs with skeletal  flurosis
*Thyroid Disruption – affecting the complete endocrine system and leading to obesity and diabetes
*Neurological – diminished IQ and inability to focus (ADD), lethargy, weariness, possibly fibromyalgia.
*Melatonin Disruption – sleep disorders, increased aging, lower immunity to cancer.
*Alzheimer’s Disease
*Pineal Gland – calcification of this gland, considered the “third eye” by meditators and a basic melatonin producer and regulator of our endocrine system located in the middle of the brain.
*Skeletal Fluorosis – actually weakening structural bones and crippling victims

Types of Fluorides Explained

Calcium fluoride is in several ground water sources, especially wells. It can cause tooth enamel (dental fluorosis) or bone damage if consumed daily over the long term. Pharmaceutical grade sodium fluoride is meant to be applied topically to teeth as a dental procedure. But if swallowed or otherwise ingested, it is extremely toxic.
But the most pernicious of all sodium fluorides is either fluorosilicate acid or sodium silicofluoride. These are the waste products of industry, originally from the nuclear and aluminum industries, but now mostly from the phosphate fertilizer industry.
The fluorine gases emitted from phosphate fertilizer processing plants are so toxic that nearby crops were destroyed by the emissions and serious health problems rose among nearby residents, even crippling and killing farm animals and pets. So the EPA, during their better years when they actually did more of what they’re supposed to do, forced the processing plants to use wet scrubbers in their stacks to clean the exhaust.
That solved the toxic emission problems locally while creating an expensive toxic waste disposal problem. So the phosphate polluters figured a way to dump their toxic waste and not only save money, but make money. Sell it to municipal water works using the “prevents tooth decay” propaganda.
According to investigative journalist Christopher Bryson, author of The Fluoride Deception, getting large quantities of sodium fluoride into the water and food system was a ploy of public relations sponsored by the industries who were saddled with getting rid of the toxic materials.
Deceptive PR campaigns and the American Dental Association’s urging of fluoridation as the panacea for tooth decay helped create a profitable side industry: Selling phosphate toxic sludge as sodium fluoride for community water supplies.
How toxic is this scrubbed stuff from phosphate plant smokestacks? A spill from a fluorosilicate container in Illinois had to be contained by workers wearing the same type of protective HasMat gear worn near the damaged reactors in Fukushima.
Fluoridated water proponents argue that low doses are safe while ignoring how these daily doses deposit and accumulate in our bones and organs to ruin our overall health in several ways.

Avoiding Sodium Fluoride

Even if not fluoridated, tap water contains chlorine compounds that tend to leach lead. This lead leaching gets with the sodium fluoride added. It has been declared that there is no safe level of lead in our bodies.
Don’t drink tap water that has not gone through reverse osmosis, and don’t cook with it either. Boiling doesn’t get rid of fluorides, it actually concentrates it more. Avoid commercial sodas and juices. Some food markets use water from their purifying system that provides customers with purified water to spray their veggie displays, but many don’t. Ask questions.
Reverse osmosis purifiers in most food markets offer purified water that you can use to load large jugs cheaply. There are household purifiers available as well. Reverse osmosis removes over 85% of sodium fluoride from water, but some of the good minerals are removed as well. Add some sea salt or mineral powder/liquid to compensate.
Do this to stay healthy and join the growing resistance against forced toxic medication via our water supplies. Find out how you can get involved with getting fluoride poisons out of the water in your community here.

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