On July 15th, the House Homeland Security Committee UNANIMOUSLY approved highly controversial legistlation that greatly increases the ability for FEMA and DHS to roundup Americans they deem as potentially violent extremists.
When it comes to issues that protect and preserve the Republic, our Congress is always divided. But, when it comes to despotic legistlation that ‘must’ be approved, somehow there is a complete consensus.
This legislation creates the Office for Countering Violent Extremism, or CVE, within DHS under the guise of preventing Americans from becoming radicalized by extremist groups.
“In the face of mounting threats, our government is doing far too little to counter violent extremism here in the United States,” stated Chairman Michael McCaul (R-Texas), the bill’s main sponsor. “Whether it is the long reach of international terrorists into our communities or the homegrown hate spread by domestic extremist groups, we are ill-equipped to prevent Americans from being recruited by dangerous fanatics.”
H.R. 2899: The FEMA Camp Roundup Legislation
“Prevent is hardly a successful template. It has been widely criticized for alienating the very communities it was seeking to influence and for lacking any means of measuring effectiveness,” according to the letter. “Moreover, the trajectory of the U.K.’s efforts shows how these programs can morph into outright censorship.”
“Yet, U.S. CVE programs have repeated Prevent’s mistakes, focusing exclusively on Muslim communities and using community outreach programs as a means to gather intelligence on the very groups and organizations that participate in them,” the letter continued.
We all know that the governement is quick to assert that Christians, Constitutionalists, patriots, conservatives, gun owners, etc. are extremists. The most benign activities can be considered warning signs that someone is becoming radicalized according to the feds. As Infowars points out in the video below, paying with cash, eating vegan or just drinking raw milk is considered ‘extreme.’
Retired General Wesley Clark just stated that the government needs to get proactive with identifying people who have the potential to become radicalized. The minimal standards for this identification could simply be someone who can’t find a job, or has “lost a girlfriend.” That’s casting a very wide net to say the least!
Clark suggests that ‘the community’ should reach out to pull people back in who have become so distraught. And, if that fails, they should be taken to an internment camp for as long as there is a war on terror!
Operation Jade Helm 15 is a massive military exercise that seeks to ‘master the human domain’ and it does so by using artificial intelligence to profile people and identify targets. Software surveils social media, identify those ‘disloyal’ to the federal government and work with the boots on the ground to round up the dissenters.
So we see this all coming together. We now have legislation that allows the government to round up whoever they deem as radicalized coupled with a military exercise for extracting dissentients based on AI, and an overall propaganda campaign convincing the public that we must start putting people in camps that don’t agree with federal government.
Welcome to Amerika.
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