Obama’s Federal Emergency Management Agency officially opened their first “Political Realignment Facility” on Thursday in Willcox, Arizona. This type of facility is more commonly known as a “concentration camp,” or even a “death camp.”
According to the National Report, the agency plans to open four other facilities like this this year, and to have twelve up and running by the 2016 election.
This first facility is known as “Camp Alpha,” and it was built on 500 acres of Federal property near the Chiricahua national park in southwest Arizona. FEMA brags that it can hold up to 10,000 Americans and that it has barracks-style living accommodations, a large cafeteria, and prison-like security perimeters and features. The facility also has areas for FEMA personnel to “conduct the business of the facility” as well as both open-air and underground labor facilities to quote “keep inmates occupied and, when needed, separate.”
These facilities were ordered and authorized by two-dozen executive orders by President Barack Obama, beginning the day he took office on January 20, 2009. They will serve as camps for conservative-leaning Americans who openly disagree with the Obama administration as well as the Democratic Party. This dissidence could be in Facebook status updates, Tweets, blog posts, or in private conversations intercepted by FEMA.
After the conservatives are rounded up, FEMA plans to use extensive interrogation techniques to brainwash them out of their conservative ways so that they can reenter society as a liberal sheep.
Facilities like this one are set to open in Wyoming, Texas, and Tennessee by the end of this year. Georgia, Mississippi, Alaska, Iowa, New Hampshire, Minnesota, Nevada, and Florida will all be housing facilities by the election in 2016.
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