NATIONAL (VFB) – Military members are officially “Feeling the Bern.” According to recently released FEC filings, some of Bernie Sanders’ top contributors are employed by the United States Army, Navy (including the Marine Corps), and Air Force.
combined totals – $80,411 – put active duty military in the top
contributing industries. This total does not include Veterans or Coast
Guard, which would likely make past & present members of the Armed
Forces THE top contributors of Bernie Sanders’ campaign.
In stark contrast, military members apparently do not support Bernie’s opponent, former first lady Hillary Clinton. Not surprisingly, Clinton’s top contributors include the usual suspects—big money players, including bankers that paid her millions to give speeches, some who would stand to profit handsomely from perpetual warfare.
The continued outpouring of Wall Street support for Hillary does little to convince voters that she’ll actually get tough with the financial institutions who caused our economic recession. Nor does it do much to reassure the American people that she doesn’t have anything to hide in her paid Wall Street speech transcripts.
I think if you're gonna get paid $225k for a speech it must be a good speech—Shakespearian. I can't wait to read it.— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) March 6, 2016
So while Hillary Clinton struggles to keep her Wall Street relationships
cozy yet invisible to voters, military members and Veterans everywhere
are lining up to support the only Commander-in-Chief that they trust to
keep us out of unnecessary wars, and to properly care for Veterans when
we return home: BERNIE SANDERS.
.@AmericanLegion: Thank you for your support of service members, Veterans & their families #FeelTheBern #Vets4Bernie— Veterans For Bernie (@Vets4Bernie) October 19, 2015
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